What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 445 total)
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    • #57771

      To reveal that I don’t understand a lot of topics I thought I did. I will be here to learn.

    • #57749

      See  the corporeal world as it is and understanding of chaos in this world.

      To experience it.

    • #57712
      tefo bogosi

      Best experince: There were several. one of them is gradually becoming consciously aware that my ego is tricky and deceptive. It can distract and lead me astray from focusing on the Creator and striving for equivalence of form.

      What do I expect from the course: Being equiped and guided on how to apply the wisdom of Kabbalah to my daily life.

    • #57698

      My best experience was learning Love thy neighbor as thyself as this expresses that we are ALL One and as one suffers all suffer. I hope that we get into the specifics of how to fill our Kli with light so that we may bestow the Light of the Creator unto others and become The Holy One of Israel!

    • #57695
      Rodrigo Tavares

      I had a lot of growth with the Kabbalah Revealed course. Thanks to this growth, it is being possible to live with the harsh situation that this Corona Virus pandemic brought us, together with a problem I had in my company. I understood that everything is the result of HaShem’s plans and that there is a much greater intelligence than ours in control of everything. This led me to conclude that as difficult as the situation seems, it is leading us to a higher destiny and that we have to flow with that to seize the path.
      I hope, with this new course, to be able to flow more and more with the plans of nature and be able, with that, to participate in the creation of a much better and fairer reality for everyone. A reality experience in which I can share and feel fulfilled with it. A much happier and more fulfilled experience of reality.
      Also, I hope you will connect with me in a positive way so that we can grow and keep that growth together so that we can share it broadly.

    • #57694

      I love that we will be learning how to become truly altruistic. Is that really possible? Very exciting!

Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 445 total)
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