Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Evolving to Collective Consciousness Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

  • #33194

    Gil Shir

    Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 50 total)
  • Author
    • #428459
      Nikole Roehl


    • #421084

      We are still in the process. You can say that we are in the moment to realize that we need to connect to each other to survive and develop further to build something greater.

    • #413468
      David the Bruce

      We are fighting for resources, but we also have good examples of people beginning to collaborate.

    • #387059
      Assana Colubali

      Humanity are in the comparative fase right now!!@@

    • #373426

      For decades I have had this image of humanity of being in a chaotic state right before a new pattern emerges, just like in cymatics. When sand is placed on a Chladni plate made to resonate at a particular frequency a pattern emerges in the sand, when the frequency is raised the sand disperses and becomes scattered and chaotic until in an instant a new, more complex pattern emerges. I see humanity in that chaotic state right before a new pattern emerges.

    • #367158

      begining to colaborate

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 50 total)
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