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  • Alexandra Pean

    Are you desire to have a more conscious life.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #335216
    Alexandra Pean

    Hi, my name is Alexandra and I’m 23 years old and I’ve always been interested with Kabbalah  always seems so complicated and when I find you guys because of that YouTube video I directly clicked on your website to start the courses because it seems well Detailed explained and organised. I had what they called a spiritual awakening or Techouva one year ago, and I’m excited to learn even more now. Shavoua Tov

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #335214
    Alexandra Pean

    Hello, my name is Alexandra, I’m 23 years old and I had a spiritual awakening as they call it or Techouva so I’m learning everyday more and i always wanted to know more about Kabbalah but it always seems too complicated or « for boys? ». So when i found you because of that youtube video i directly clicked on your website cause it seems well organised and guided. So I’m excited to learn even more now! Shavoua Tov.

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