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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #429889

    Hey sorry, Amos! I just saw you added another response here…

    The “big bang” is an interesting concept. The Kabbalist don’t really refer to it the way science has arrived at it today. The say it’s 13 billions years ago, but then maybe not d/t the fact that we can’t even “see” back that far, but now with the JW telescope they’re saying different numbers–doesn’t matter, all that to say they’re trying to locate some “time” where it all started. At that point, we’re already starting to play with this boundary that according to Kabbalah exists only within us anyway. It’s that same wall that physicist now are having to reconcile between Newtonian physics and quantum physics–the juxtaposition between a world which is clearly physical and a reality that clearly shows us nothing is physical.

    There’s this proverbial “wall” which we won’t be able to cross with our current logic and scientific instruments because in order to discover the truth of where we actually are, what reality do we truly exist in–this requires an inner change in the human, if the human can reformat itself and acquire different senses, this is what allows you to see the same universe but on multiple levels. Like an onion that has many layers, it’s all the same onion but each layer reveals to you that same onion at a different “resolution”, let’s say.

    You ask a lot of good questions, and unlike science, the Kabbalists didn’t leave for us answer to all these questions. I suppose because they wanted to leave room for us to develop. There are many examples for why revealing too much before one is ripe actually ruins the growth of a person, and this is just another one.

    I’d instead point you in the right direction for you yourself to begin to develop the right senses and you yourself can then come to answer your own questions. That means, once you understand that you’re not in a physical reality, you’re not on a ball in outer space, among stars and galaxies with infinite space between them. You’re instead seeing a projection of your internality strewn out before your eyes. First start there. With that fact,you can then move forward. You need to start attaching what you perceive as outside of you and begin bringing it back inside yourself. This is the whole wisdom of Kabbalah–Kabbalah קבלה (LeKabel-[לקבל] – to receive) the wisdom of how to receive [correctly].

    Kabbalists didn’t tell us abut black holes per-se, they didn’t talk about the double-split experiment that proves to us that some observer actually collapses the wave function etc., they didn’t speak in that language and dind’t even know there would be a way to open the physical reality in such a way (I’m guessing), because the physical reality wasn’t important to them. I mean, what they know as the truth, they knew to bring that closer to us and they teach us that the path to this truth is engaging in a practice that brings upon a person the Light that Reforms, and not engaging in the research of this corporeal reality. Let the scientists do that, and with their advancements they’re also bringing humanity closer to a certain truth but no matter how deep they search they will not find anything spiritual in this reality. This is the difference between what Kabbalists (scientists of the spiritual reality) and physicists (scientists of the corporeal reality).

    For example, how could it be that a researcher of this world would be able to conclude that it was some change in the behavior of molecule to shift into some amino acid and interact with another  that caused the first cell to develop? The question will always be what caused it to do that? They’re looking for  a CAUSE, meaning the causal force in reality. You can research physical matter all you want, but the realm of forces that cause changes in our reality always stem from spiritual roots and this is already the Kabbalist’s domain…




    in reply to: Ask Anything #427595

    Yeah, from our degree it seems unfitting, but this is the goal of creation–to raise the lowly creature to His degree. Sure, from where we are, since we interpret everything still egoistically and have no way of even thinking in a way that can imagine what bestowal is–this would indeed sound heretical. If “doing good to His creatures” was anything less than raising them to the ultimate degree, from the Creator’s perspective this wouldn’t be complete love.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #427386

    Hey Amos,

    Kabbalah doesn’t say the universe is expanding or not, but we do understand that the universe is actually something produced as an image we create and not what is actually outside of us–what’s outside we can’t say anything about, only about how we perceive it within. If it appears to us that it’s expanding–then this is what’s happening. If it appears to us as static, so this is how it is.

    Time is a complete fabrication of the human perception. It necessarily has to exist for us. It’s part of the framework we unconsciously build for ourselves. You’re trying to divide it into smaller and smaller ‘bits’ when really, it’s more correct to label time as the sensation of change–and this is what gives us the sensation of time, not that there is some universal timer that’s ticking.

    Where did the first cell come from? The answer comes from the same place the more basic question comes from which is why does the universe even exist? Why did atoms form and why did they tend to form molecules etc. etc. We’re seeing a kind of “unfolding” of a program but in the realm of forces where no time exists, the final form already appears in full. We have to experience it this way but that’s just in order to exist within the restriction in order to rise above it.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #427385

    Don’t forget there are spiritual laws and laws of this world. If we were all observing spiritual laws and living accordingly, there would be no need for laws of society. It’s exactly because those laws are concealed that we have to resort to such laws like “don’t murder”, “don’t steal”. The corporeal interpretations are all we have to work with in the meantime until we reach corrected society.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #427384

    The “restrictions” are labeled as such because there is nothing to “work on” in the state of Shabbat. A person has already revealed the corrupted vessels and what is left is the corrections which is the work of the light.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #427383

    Correct, but attaining those roots necessarily points to the branches in this world but that doesn’t mean a ‘book’ needed to be written.

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