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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #296334

    Hello 👋 Everyone!

    Been down a lot of different paths over the past 30 years, Trusting for some serious authentic connection and to be shown were I need spirtual correction.  Much love to you All! Chris

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #296328

    Hello 👋 Everyone!

    Trusting this path with lead me to the heart of The Lord and guide me as He directs.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #296327

    Hello 👋 Everyone!

    I feel I have given almost a year of my life to so many paths trusting they will lead me to Truth. Many and consistent synchronicities have lead me to Kabbalah! Grateful for the desire in me, that will not be content until I can experience what is meant to be bestowed upon me. To honestly say of the Lord“I love you, Lord, You truly love me!, and mean it with all my heart!”Much love to you All! Chris

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