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  • Daniel

    I have persisting thoughts that are new to me, are intense and confusing. Sometimes I spend hours trying to find words to even describe them. The fact that they continue to enter my mind and I can’t make any sense of them brings me out of balance. I hope to find something that will explain why I have them, what do they mean, or how to get them out of my head.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #330539


    My name is Daniel.
    I’m a software engineer and mostly driven by logic. I’m usually good in analyzing complex problems and find solutions to them.

    But, something changed in me lately and I struggle to make sense of it…

    Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong in this realm because it’s so limited. It’s like I have to settle on what being here is all about and accept it the way it is just because there is no better alternative to being here that I’m aware of.

    I feel like this realm structurally fails to produce the right ingredients to accommodate me, but I can’t describe what those ingredients are, where to find them or if they even exist. I feel like I’m stuck in here without purpose and continue to move trough time by inertia. There must be more to it, but I don’t know what is more. None of it is accessible to me. I feel like I’m lost in space while still being here.

    So I hope to understand what is going on with me and why those thoughts are in my head. They confuse me.

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