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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #294734

    Hallo Teachers, hallo students,

    My given name is Abdalah but most peaople call me Dutch. I am a ducht citezen living in The Netherlands.
    My life has been like most souls a rocky roud. But now lets say the last 4 up to five years i start to understand that i long to listning more to the voice ore the eachy sounds in my diepest thougts…..who am i? why i been true what i have been thrue? why i love nature so intens? why i feel a strong connection with the univers? why i keep giving and not expecting? why do i feel rejecting and ignored? and why i love to treat others in a way that i am the last in line to get of the ship? Why am i alone ? why, why, and whats the meening of my life.
    I hope to learn from you all en working humble toowards the feuture.

    Kind regards,

    Abdalah a.k.a. Dutch

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