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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #190602

    Hi, my name is Euler Cardoso. I’m originally from Brazil, but I’ve been a Houstonian for the past 20 years.

    Since 8 years old I’ve been interested in the metaphysical and spiritual. Spent my whole life reading, studying, and joining groups that promised a certain understandings about the Universe. Well, this understanding never came ha! I studied psychology and philosophy in college and I’m about to do my Masters in theology and philosophy.

    I discovered Tony’s videos on youtube a few years ago, but I guess the moment was not right for me back then, but after a few nervous breakdowns I got on my knees and asked for help. Spiritually speaking, I know nothing, I am confused, I am lost, and I don’t know where to go, or what to do. After my prayer was over, the word Kabbalah came to mind, and I started my search again, so here I am. 🙂

    Without trying to put forth too many expectations, I hope that this introductory training will help me connect some dots in my mind regarding the heavy, existential questions of life, and that I can calm my mind and soul a little bit.

    Peace and Blessings.

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