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  • francispaul65

    From this lesson, I expect to be more in control of my life, though I do not know if I can entirely control it. By being more in control of my life I am referring to my ability to cope with anything that happens in my life whether good or bad.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #378771

    Hi fellow learners,

    I am Paulo Afonso, from Goa, India.  I have always been fascinated with the metaphysical and existential questions that everyone asks sometimes or the other These are Who is God? Where do we come from? Where will we go after we die and the most baffling of them all is why do we have to suffer when we haven’t done anything wrong. I am here to find out the answers to these questions and more and bring meaning to my life and the lives of others by gaining wisdom in areas where my knowledge is still in its infancy. By expanding my knowledge I hope to deepen my spirituality and gain a sense of fulfilment and purpose while I live on earth.

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