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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #308504

    Hi all, my name is Minjie, I am from China. In recent years, I have started my inner journey and explored many different spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and so on. I believe that the Creator has guided me here because many coincidences have happened since I started learning about the Truth of who I AM. It has been a life-changing journey so far and I am willing to keep on going. From my current experience, the Creator has really tested my determination and keeps on throwing challenges at this Kli in order to help me to reach higher and higher levels of bestow. By his plan, I am soon going to become a Dad. but before that, I want to refine my soul, and become a role model to my son/daughter who I hope will become the light and hope for the world because of my influences.

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