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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #128128
    Nina Busari

    Hi, my name is Nina. More than half of my 51 ages I live a life consecrated to my Father in Heaven – The  Almyghty God – as the Bible teach us. From several years I discovered the power of Qi gong exersises not only for health but also for upgrade of my spiritual level. But there was one question that rised contradiction in me – how so perfect universe view like Chineese can make a mistake to believe in rebirth? Then I just asked God to show me from the Bible if there is even a little mark for this option (because God guides me from this Book for so many years I will never reject it, but may be the word needs new and deeper understanding). And I remember John 9:2: Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? – that’s amazing! How can one baby born blind for his sin? Obviously the deciples point on sins in previous life.  If they had wrong belief in rebirth – Jesus would correct them. But Jesus didn’t. So, I was so interesting in acient Jewish beliefs… and come here. Last night I red “Kabbalah – it’s very easy” from M. Laitman (on Bulgarian language). And guess what – the accient Jewish also belief in rebirth. So – I want to know everything about their beliefs also. I near to finish my puzzle picture of the world. And it is amazing, my friends. The same mistake people make again and again – this is the only way, we are the real believers… But the bright future is in unity, in cooperation, in integrity… It is an amazing future and I want to be part from it. Not wait for Jesus to come and change everything with magic stick but allow God to come in us and settle His kingdom on the earth as it in Heaven. AMEN?

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