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  • Yashar

    I think I would expect confirmation and what just come natural to one, and achieve more of a decerning nature in all areas of this realm.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #298825

    Salem, I AM Yashar, I am a spirit being for plants, animals and humanitarian for hu-mans, regardless of ones hue -of-melonine. I want to enhance my wisdom in mastering my gifts, at full 360, 720, etc., knowing. I have graduated from belief, faith and hope to a balance of knowing and a spin on perfecting true unconditional love that can never be pervert to worldy depictions. All learned naturally and intuitively from EMA(MOTHER) creator of all.  I am a wealthy women in love, word deed and duty. This course is a step for enhancing wisdom on all aspects of my life, past present and future, in more of order. I am a watering sponge. Salem

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