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  • Michael,
    There is a very important principal that we will study called there is no light without a kli.
    And we will study this in depth later.  In short, all of reality is filled with upper light, filling everything everywhere evenly.
    We on the other hand feel almost nothing.
    You never wanted those sneakers until you saw them somewhere.  They existed, but you never wanted them until there was some impression made in your vessel and then you went out to fill that emptiness that was left by the light making an impression in your vessel.
    That’s a pair of shoes.  The same things happens when we get hungry and for everything we do, an emptiness opens up and we look for a spark of light clothed in matter to fill that emptiness.
    But how can we ingest all of reality, how can we attain something endless, real, true?
    For that we have the wisdom of kabbalah, which means literally the wisdom of receiving.
    In order to perceive the endless reality, we need to relate to reality with new senses, we cannot only perceive life through the desires of our protein body, which by the way we must also, we must eat and take care of ourselves and our family, our friends.  And also we will learn how to make a spiritual vessel and the light will make an impression in their and we will feel a new reality.

    You sound like a kabbalist 🙂
    As the verse says, ki mi’tzion tetze torah.  Literally, “from Zion comes the Torah”. The word tzion (zion) means “exits”.  From exits we receive the Torah.  It means that the light enters the vessel and then exits, again and again and this builds impressions in the vessel.
    We can see this in our world, an infant has only eaten mashed peas and carrots.  Then she gets a little older and at a birthday party she gets her first taste of chocolate ice cream (new light enters the vessel to speak 🙂
    The child’s eyes light up, everything is new and wonderful, then Mom takes it away but now the child has had an impression of that new light and now it is gone, but she remembers it.  Before when she was smaller, she only had an impression of peas and carrots, that was her life, now her vessel has increased and she has a bigger yearning, for more.
    There is also something special in the study called the light that reforms and we can also take an example from the little child who sits on the floor of the living room while all of the adults around her speak and while she makes sounds and doesn’t comprehend what is going on, but just by the influence of the upper ones, she slowly starts to be affected and slowly starts to enter their reality first with one word or one reactive expression and then more and more until she grows and stabilizes herself in their world.
    In short, the study is working correctly on you.

    Sometimes in the Hebrew language, the language of kabbalah, you will even hear the Creator’s pronoun as plural.  And sometimes when referring to the shechina for instance or the torah, it is referred to as feminine.
    Of course there is no gender to the upper, simple light.
    From our perspective, the perspective of the lower ones, everything is according to how we perceive it.
    Also in our world, there is one person who you call mom.  someone else calls her lover, another person calls her daughter.

    So to your question, remember that a bestowing force is referred to as male and all receiving force is referred to as female.
    Think of it more like proton and electron for now instead of man and woman.
    We want to get used to the laws and forces that are operating around us and in us without confusing ourselves with characters from this world.
    Later we will begin to understand the connection between things.

    Suppose I am a farmer and I need rain.  For 5 generations my family  worked this land and we count on the rain during this season.
    Suppose there is a young couple who will be getting married next weekend and now that it rained last week, the flowers are in bloom, but if it rains next weekend, it will ruin the celebration.  So you have two groups of people who are not at war with each other, they don’t even know each other, but when each checks the weather they are hoping for opposite things and when it shows it may rain, one gets a sick feeling and the other gets a feeling of joy and when it shows it may not rain, the other gets a sick feeling and the other ones are happy.
    Everything in our life is like this.  We are building a reality based on our desires, what we see, what we feel, it is all based on the quality of our desires.  As you wrote above, all of reality is filled with endless upper abundance, as you called a true objective reality, but we have no way to feel that.  According to our vessels we feel it, and we don’t feel it at all yet.
    All we feel is according to the vessels, the upper light does not change.  By definition, it does not change.

    Hi Sandra,
    If you have been to New York, you can tell me where to go to get good pizza.  It’s downtown on the east side, by the small park, near the church, on corner across from the flower shop.  And I can go to New York and I can see all those places and I can reach the pizza shop and get the pizza and taste the pizza and enjoy the pizza because we share the same world, the same language, the same general senses.  Of course giving those good directions to a polar bear, he doesn’t understand you and he has no reference to what is a flower shop nor is he interested in good pizza.
    There is a famous rule in the wisdom of kabbalah that one does not name what he does not attain.
    Therefore, when a kabbalist writes for us, he is writing from his attainment, he is telling us about the “streets, about the pizza place”, he’s telling us about what he experienced there in the spiritual reality.
    All people will reach these sensations, they are the most simple thing, they are the basis of reality, only that we need to develop correctly in order to feel them.  All of nature develops gradually in stages.  Earth was not covered in vegetation in a day, it was not covered in animals in a day and it isn’t covered in kabbalists in a day, slowly we ripen like all of creation.
    Great questions!

    We will learn more about who we are and what is the nature of our reality.
    All in all our world is a the last step in a long progression of concealments.
    What started as the endless light called Ein Sof, which filled reality in all directions evenly, gets concealed in each subsequent world until we don’t perceive that reality at all and more than that the vessel in which we felt that reality, the sensing organ that sensed that fulfillment has shattered.  We are all parts of that shattered vessel.  That is where we are now.
    But the endless light still fills all of reality and if we can put together a small piece of the shattered vessel then we can feel the endless light.  There is no such thing as a small part or a large part of the endless light.  If we attain the endless light, we are feeling the endless light.
    There is no one who causes any suffering independant of the Creator.
    The Creator does and will do everything.  That means that reality is still that endless upper light, but what we perceive as a world full of problems is a reflection of our shattered state.
    We will have to disseminate this wisdom to everyone in the most digestible and pleasant way so everyone will know and understand what is happening to us and why and how we can reach what is called, “life”.

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