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  • in reply to: What are you feeling after this lesson? #56363
    siStar Simone

    Definitely, most probably a purpose. Intended? Maybe.

    There is a structure and a method and our experiences are somehow related.

    in reply to: What are you feeling after this lesson? #56361
    siStar Simone

    What I think, say and do greatly influences what I experience. For example, 3wks ago I was walking to the store as I do often. I have not been eating much as it is very hot.  I was paying attention to how strong and steady I felt. I should add here that I am mobility challenged and use 2 canes to walk. As I was thinking this I twisted my ankle and fell. Although it was 1pm, within moments there were 3 gentleman there to assist me. First lesson was I am not as strong as I was thinking I was. second lesson is I had done this 6 months prior and “worked” thru the sprain and pain, an egoistic notion in this case. My corporeal body isn’t as young as I feel lol. Third lesson, I can’t do this alone. I realize its a corporeal example yet it can be scrutinized from various degrees



    siStar Simone

    I feel that all is in order.  Many will suffer which is a choice. I am confident that this current world event Is a clearing away of sorts. Connection is crucial IMHO. We are all in this together

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