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  • Yeshayahu Slate


    Thanks so much for putting KabU together. It looks like a great resource, and I suspect I’ll be taking several courses here. I have a couple of questions coming from my perspective as a scholar, a Noachide, and a “mystic” (the term is loaded, but such are the limitations of language).

    First; in 2006, Tony Kosinec authored a paper called “Kabbalah and the building of a new civilization” for the World Futures journal. Is that paper available anywhere?

    Second, do you have any general advice on how to integrate Torah and Kabbalah? I think am starting to see the connections between the two, but would be eager to learn if there are any fundamental principles for Noachides in terms of lived or practiced spirituality.

    Third, how do we determine what world we are operating in, or which of the 125 steps we have ascended to? I suspect that this is done in partnership with a teacher or mentor, but was just curious.



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