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  • Yesie Hernandez

    A closer connection with the Creator

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #378872
    Yesie Hernandez

    Hi! My name is Yesie. I was born and raised in Costa Rica, but I have been living in the U.S. for half of my life. I grew up Catholic and full of guilt and resentment towards a God that seemed unfair and cold to me. Since I was little, I knew that I was connected to something else, something bigger. At 12 years old, I realized that I could lucid dream and I felt like I had a superpower. I felt that I was able to manifest events or situations to my favor. But I never shared that with anyone because I thought they would look at me crazy.

    I got a degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling, thinking that it would help me understand why, how, and what I needed to heal from childhood trauma, I needed to “fix” whatever was wrong with me. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to achieve meaningful relationships and more success. The answers I was looking for were not in psychology books or therapy sessions.

    About 5 years ago, I began searching for meaning and purpose. I started to discover a path where I could take responsibility for the reality I created. This was the first time I heard that I had so much control over my reality, and that seemed fascinating. I started with topics on manifestation and the Law of Attraction. I have read dozens of books on self-development, psychology, spirituality, mindset, etc., but every single book just left me with more questions and no answers.

    My need for something that would bring peace to my world even took me to travel last year for 10 days to the Amazon in Colombia to explore ayahuasca, as if the answers my soul needed were outside of me. (Yep, silly me, I get it now.) Did I mention the many “heroic” trips of psylocibyn I took in my desperate need to fix whatever was “wrong with me”? All of that has helped me to open up more consciousness, but still, I feel there’s more to understand. Why do I keep feeling stuck? Something inside of me is screaming for liberation.

    Then the Kabbalah came to me, but my ego wasn’t ready to open up to that kind of teaching; it seemed too dangerous, so I put it aside. However, I went to get my “Life Activation” in hopes that this ceremony had the solutions to my problems, mostly financial. But nothing. Still, I didn’t understand that the magic I was looking for existed inside of me already.

    Last week Kabbalah made it’s way back to me by saying “IT’S TIME”. So, here I am ready to give it my all. I’m ready to heal and to serve. I’m at a time of my life where I have never had so much and so little at the same time. Financially and emotionally, the last year has been the most challenging, to the point that I have even questioned my self-worth as a mother, daughter, and wife and even questioned many times being alive. For months, I wanted an answer that would help me feel more empowered and confident, bring business and customers, and take care of all my financial problems. But, I feel that the more I merge myself into the spiritual realm, the more alone I feel and the more out of place in my reality, I feel. It’s like I’m living in a dream or more like a nightmare from which my soul is desperately trying to wake me up, but somehow I just feel trapped in this loop that keeps repeating, and I don’t see the exit sign. I have started this path looking for a way to abundance and financial prosperity, but I have realized that it’s not money that my soul wants, but peace and a deeper connection with the Creator. I see now that my ego was looking for more ways to receive instead of a way to serve. “The Will to Bestow” was missing in my life.

    If you relate to my story, let’s connect! My IG @coach_yesie


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