1024 students enrolled
What You'll Learn
- Learn in-depth the internal laws embedded in Nature that are driving you and humanity towards greater and beneficial connections
- Deepen your understanding of the nature of the human ego and how it can assist you in your spiritual development depending on how it is used
- Learn what is the “Reforming Light” and the components required to activate it
- Achieve deeper understandings to authentic Kabbalistic sources from Rabash and Baal HaSulam that support and highlight the new concepts you will attain in this course
- Expand your knowledge and get an introduction to the 3 major elements required for advanced studies
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Course Content
- Video 1.1 – Introduction Preview (04:41)
- Video 1.2 – The Birth of the Method Preview (08:26)
- Video 1.3 – Trial and Error (04:52)
- Video 1.4 – Template of Spirituality (10:49)
- Video 1.5 – Connection above Science and Politics (08:15)
- Video 1.6 – Connection is our Common Destiny (05:37)
- Week 1 – Recommended Reading Materials
- Slide – The Qualities of Abraham and Nimrod
- Quiz – Knowledge Check
- Week 1 Reflections
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 1 Forums – Discussion Forum
- Question & Answer Forum
- Preparation – Question and Answer – Forum
- Video 2.1 – The Nature of the Ego–Help Against Me (09:00)
- Video 2.2 – Quick Fix #1: Let’s Just Get Rid of It! (06:32)
- Video 2.3 – Quick Fix #2: Go with the Flow and Be Happy! (06:33)
- Video 2.4 – First We Need to Identify the Illness (07:57)
- Video 2.5 – The Point in the Heart Thrives (08:33)
- Week 2 Reading Material
From Chaos to Harmony,” pp. 44-49
Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life,” pp. 43-45 - Slide Presentation – The Kabbalistic Time Machine
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 2 Reflections
- Week 2 Forums
- Preparation – Question and Answer – Forum
- Video 3.1 The Experiment Begins (16:06)
- Video 3.2 – Early Awakenings (13:59)
- Video 3.3 – Influence of the Group (09:58)
- Video 3.4 – Challenges and Opportunities (09:59)
- Week 3 Reading Materials
- Slide Presentation – Corridor to the Hidden Worlds
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 3 Reflections
- Week 3 Forums
- Preparation – Question and Answer – Forum
- Video 4.1 – The One Force (13:30)
- Video 4.2 – What is a Prayer? (16:25)
- Video 4.3 – Increasing Your Vessel (08:29)
- Video 4.4 – Summary and Invitation to Participate (08:35 )
- Week 4 Reading Materials
- Interactive Activity – Build Your Ideal Spiritual Environment
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 4 Reflections
- Week 4 Forums
- Preparation – Question and Answer – Forum
- Video 5.1 – A Person is a Small World (19:55)
- Video 5.2 – The Missing Element (18:25)
- Week 5.5 – Q&A Blitz and Thank You (04:49)
- Week 5 Reading Material
- Week 5 Forums
- Course Reflection
- Course Completion Certificate
- Input & Free E-Book
This Course Includes
- Over 20 hours of video and interactive activities
- Interactive study activities
- Collaborative discussion forums with KabU instructors
- Live broadcast with your awesome instructor Julian
- Extra course-related study resources
- Downloadable MP3/Video files of the entire course
- Mobile and tablet compatible
- Lifetime access to course
- Certificate of Completion
- Qualification to enter The Kabbalah Experience
- 100% completion of Kabbalah Revealed Part 1
- Being a Kabbalah Revealed Part 2 student
- A computer/mobile/tablet with internet connection
Your Spiritual Advancement
You have passed through the fundamental stages of learning, and in this course you will become increasingly aware and further expand your knowledge for the purpose of connecting the pieces of this puzzle together. Begin studying in-depth the role of your ego and how, if used correctly, it can become one of your power tools for accelerating your spiritual development.
You will also be introduced to “A Kabbalist’s Toolkit” – the three major components which are crucial for advanced studies and will accompany you all along the way of your adventurous internal journey in pursuit of authentic spirituality.
In this course, you will begin the transition from a deeper understanding of the most fundamental principles of Kabbalah to an advanced stage of learning what it takes to become an active participant.
Kabbalah in Action is an introduction to an advanced degree of studies. Here you will learn what is required to begin taking the fundamental principles you have learned from your previous courses to the level of practical actions. You will begin an in-depth study of the laws that govern this amazing system of Nature and learn more complex components in the thought of creation passed on to you by the greatest Kabbalists of our time. Learn about the deeply-rooted origins of this system and why this practical wisdom is so relevant in our day and age.
Who Is This Course For
This course is aimed for those who feel a strong desire to expand their knowledge and upgrade their spiritual journey to the next degree.
Julian Edwards
Julian is a seriously dedicated student and has been studying Kabbalah under the guidance of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman for the past 16 years. He has been teaching and lecturing the wisdom of authentic Kabbalah for over nine years, and there is nothing else that he would rather be doing than to spread this light and pass it on to as many others as possible. Julian is happily married with two children and works as a business consultant.

Student Feedback

Kabbalah In Action brings one to understand the importance of connection. The deeper I got into this course the more I began to understand that everything we are looking for is in the connection between us. It all started to sink in with this course.
Donald Sales
British Columbia, Canada

In life I see people, communities and countries not getting along; with whole systems set up to cope with these conflicts and struggles. Is there any hope things will improve? What can I do to help people unite? Kabbalah in Action, taught by Julian raised these same questions and answered them.
Through the course, I realized what each person can do to make a difference in the lives of others and bring harmony in the world. It comes through people honestly connecting with others without self-interest, and this will bring calm to the “wars” between us. How can I do this, I thought? It seems impossible, but I learned there is a way and Kabbalah in Action starts one on this journey.
I always felt down deep inside that to love another as I would love myself, was the highest goal one should reach. Yet, all I see in myself is what I want for myself only. So how do I take Me out of the picture? The Wisdom of Kabbalah, taught by senior instructors through Kabb U, explains why this exists and gives hope that one can transform to genuinely love another.
This is an adventure, with each day leading to a new discovery. I am grateful for all those who give of their time to lead us on this path.
Cindy Bryant
Kansas, USA

I have been studying in the KabU environment for 7 months. Kabbalah In Action helped me understand the deeper meaning of “why we are here?” Our instructor Julian, did a wonderful job explaining the principles in an easy to understand way. He took great care in answering student’s questions. I’ve learned so much about the ego and how the creator works. And how He reveals the areas of correction I need. I’ve also learned how to truly connect with others on the path. This course goes deep into the methods and the science of how I perceive reality and why my connection with others is the only way to spirituality and happiness.
Terry Boston
Iowa, USA

Kabbalah in Action put me on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and internal transformation. It helped me acquire a better, deeper understanding of the source of all life, the world we live in and the active role we each play in it, such that we can all be active participants in bringing change to the world for a future of love and harmony. I have been craving to know God and this course taught me how to methodically develop a closer, more personal relationship with Him.
It is a powerful experience that broadens one’s mind and it is truly amazing how it helps elevate one’s perception and attitude towards others. As if magically, I feel more connected to others and to God. If you want to build your connection to the single force of love and advance spiritually, you are in the right place and will not regret it!
Thank you KabU! You have changed my life and gifted me with a special place where I could spiritually grow and fulfill my true potential while helping others fulfill theirs.
Demetra Tzevelekos
Montreal, Canada

In life I see people, communities and countries not getting along; with whole systems set up to cope with these conflicts and struggles. Is there any hope things will improve? What can I do to help people unite? Kabbalah in Action, taught by Julian raised these same questions and answered them.
Through the course, I realized what each person can do to make a difference in the lives of others and bring harmony in the world. It comes through people honestly connecting with others without self-interest, and this will bring calm to the “wars” between us. How can I do this, I thought? It seems impossible, but I learned there is a way and Kabbalah in Action starts one on this journey.
I always felt down deep inside that to love another as I would love myself, was the highest goal one should reach. Yet, all I see in myself is what I want for myself only. So how do I take Me out of the picture? The Wisdom of Kabbalah, taught by senior instructors through Kabb U, explains why this exists and gives hope that one can transform to genuinely love another.
This is an adventure, with each day leading to a new discovery. I am grateful for all those who give of their time to lead us on this path.

Kabbalah in Action put me on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and internal transformation. It helped me acquire a better, deeper understanding of the source of all life, the world we live in and the active role we each play in it, such that we can all be active participants in bringing change to the world for a future of love and harmony. I have been craving to know God and this course taught me how to methodically develop a closer, more personal relationship with Him.
It is a powerful experience that broadens one’s mind and it is truly amazing how it helps elevate one’s perception and attitude towards others. As if magically, I feel more connected to others and to God. If you want to build your connection to the single force of love and advance spiritually, you are in the right place and will not regret it!
Thank you KabU! You have changed my life and gifted me with a special place where I could spiritually grow and fulfill my true potential while helping others fulfill theirs.

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