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  • #128071


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    • #362089

      From Introduction to TES:

      ‘One should aim one’s labor to be for the Mitzvot of the Torah, and in this way, he will be rewarded with enjoying the light in it, and his faith will strengthen and grow through the power in this light, as it is written, “It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones” (Proverbs 3:8).’

      What is to aim for it to be for the Mitzvot of the Torah?

    • #362086
      Maria B. W12

      Question of KabU W12 regarding Shamati 237. “For Man Shall Not See Me and Live” (noon lesson on 20/02/2024)

      How can it be possible that a person can receive more revelation of the Creator than he has vessels for? Is that what happened to Adam HaRishon?

      • #362091

        Not exactly. The problem there was that he had the vessels, but could not use them in a correct way, in order to bestow. Therefore, he used them in order to receive. We simply do not have the vessels, so we can’t make a mistake.

    • #362017

      What does it mean to bless something? Thanks!

      • #362094
        Maria B. W12

        Great thanks dear Gianni.

      • #362072

        Blessing means that I have reached restriction, screen, and reflected light, and therefore I can already receive direct light and work with it.

        • #362186

          So, talking about blessing something from this point is only a word? I am not able to bless anything until I reach the restriction, screen, and reflected light?

        • #362187

          I’m not able to do anything approaching spiritual except connect with my friends and turn to the Upper Force.

    • #361987

      I was curious so I looked up RamBam and i found this article called maimonides, was he a kabbalist.  So I was reading and then it occurred to me, will this hinder my spiritual progress if I keep reading it or things like it?

      • #361990

        Hi Todd,

        Of course. We only quote Kabbalists. Rambam was a great Kabbalist. His writings aren’t adapted for our generation, Baal HaSulam is the adapter, which is why they advance us when integrated in Baal HaSulam’s writings. Rambam’s writings on their own, it’s questionable how much they can advance us.

    • #361854

      What is an action?

    • #361700

      How can the instructors tell if a live lesson is going to the klipot or not?

      • #361702

        That’s guarded from Above, and besides, we’re not near the Klipot yet. We’re not between Kedusha and Klipa, but rather we are just between making efforts in a spiritual direction and not making efforts.

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