Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #371348

      When you connect your point in the heart with another’s point in the heart your Kli expands and the Light that fills it is shared and increased for all who are connected. Your desire to bestow is received by the other and reciprocated back to you in a continuing circle of bestowal, receiving, bestowing and in this way the Light is amplified as you each become a part of the other and your vessels increase and fill with Light. This is not unlike receiving Joy and Light from the Creator with the intention of bestowing that Joy back in adherence to the qualities of the Creator. You become one with the other person through the adhesion of your mutual points in the heart. This is very powerful for all involved.

    • #371342
      Ronny Cervantes

      I think it means to connect to others in a spiritual way. To learn to find a group of like minded people who have the same spiritual goal as you. To connect in many ways than just physically in a group. To connect with people who understand the truth and learn to stick to it. We are connected to ourselves at first, but must learn to connect to others by caring about others. We should have the desire to connect to the creator to do good to each other.

    • #371190

      I like what Justin Wood wrote in this section.  A really clear statement.  We are connected in our desire to receive when we have mutual desire to receive in order to bestow.  He says it much better,though.

    • #371182

      – to set tune with others

      – desire to love

    • #371170

      The desire to bestow.

    • #369395
      Justin Wood

      On one level, students of Kabbalah are connected by their mutual desire for spiritual truth and direct experience of the upper force. But on a broader scale, we are connected by our desire to receive.  When we interact with others on the basis of our own desires there is no actual connection occurring; there is merely conditioned interaction between egos. In order to actually connect with others, it is essential that we set aside our own desire to receive in favour of emphasizing the desires of others. The degree to which we are able to elevate the desires of others above our own dictates the degree to which we can really connect with them.

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