What do you think was the result of the “Ignored Condition” in Dan Ariely’s research and why?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Happiness 5. The Effects of Social Connections at Work What do you think was the result of the “Ignored Condition” in Dan Ariely’s research and why?

  • #28482


    What do you think was the result of the “Ignored Condition” in Dan Ariely’s research and why?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #56322

      When the participant were acknowledged more production and effort was made but the less they knew it was me it wasn’t interesting anymore.

    • #56217


    • #53490

      Loss of motivation and drive possibly. Maybe even feeling down on themselves and unsure of themselves.. they had nothing to go on to give them any idea of how they did or why they were really doing it, it’s as if they were eliminated or erased by not even being acknowledged in any way.

    • #53350

      Getting a low self-esteem and believing that they have no worth in the work and in the world and therefore they cannot give love to other people anymore

    • #53252
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      more then acknowledged and shredded

    • #52435
      Rodrigo Tavares

      In some way, the recognition served as payment to the participant, in lieu of money. In other words, the difference in the amount of money that was subtracted was compensated with recognition.
      However, when there was no recognition compensation, for money and only the amount of money was decreased, this decrease caused the participant to become demotivated, without recognition compensation to compensate for the demotivation.

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