What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #284037
      Jonathan Hague

      Having intuitive and experiential truths confirmed – and more.

    • #283938

      I liked the rational structure that the previous course presents. I do not question the suppositions such as the big bang theory and why the Creator had a thought in the first place or a will to bestow. I don’t expect a logical Kantian system of the explanation of everything.  What I do value is that what I do hear and what is explained makes sense in my experience of how to live in this world.  It is consistent with much of what I already accepted, but takes it further. I have encountered Kabbalah many times in my life, but I was not ready to receive it, neither was it made as accessible as this now is. So, many thanks to the KabU people who work so hard for us.

      My expectation is that it will take me further and deeper in a similar vein, though I expect some surprises and most of all I expect that I myself shall change, release more of my fears and preconceptions and move towards a greater generosity of spirit, let go of the things that constrain me and prevent me from experiencing love fully in this life.

    • #283274

      Knowing that perfect unity is already in existence and nothing can stop the evolution to attain this state, brings me at ease

    • #282918

      The best experience from the previous course is the realization that the complexities of what and how everything came to be as it is right now blows my mind and I can’t wait to experience this more. I have so many ideas and thoughts or visions, whatever you want to call them, of what I expect from this course that it’s just too much to explain it in a way that could be understood.

    • #282776
      Dora Francis

      Realizing that there really is a systematic approach to knowing who we are and our connection to nature. I feel as though I am finally beginning to “see” and look forward to the unveiling of the truth.  My one desire for this program is that it be introduced in some manner that is suitable for all children from early childhood and throughout their lifetime.

    • #282648

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>The best experience I’ve had/seen would have to be the feeling of serenity and calm. I’m at ease and more relaxed, like I’m not so uptight. It’s a lot easier</p>

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