
  • #325574

    Gil Shir

    Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 51 total)
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    • #359391
      David Baltuch

      Dear All,

      There seems to be a problem with the website. Here is what I see when I try to get further in my study.

      Is there anything that I could do to help solve the situation?

      Thank you so much for you precious help,

      Kind wishes,


      • #360761


        We investigated this.
        It looks like your current browser/device blocks Vimeo.
        Try to open it in another browser.
        If this doesn’t work tell us and we’ll open a task to our developers.


        • #360813
          David Baltuch


          My understanding is that my Chrome browser stopped supporting Vimeo, from one day to the next. I now open every Vimeo link in another browser (Firefox) and it works fine.

          Thank you.


    • #356746
      David Baltuch

      Hello Gil, Hello Seth, Hello Everyone,

      I’m watching the video about the tips on how to read the Zohar, with the reading together proposed by Gil. I know it’s not the focus of this course (Cracking the code) but just wanted to remark on the nature of the reading proposed by Gil, the fact that he chose to envelope us with music, and music of a certain type, to help us escape from literal reading towards a more poetical/spiritual reading. I’ll do the experience again with music by Gustav Mahler. There is a piece by him called Urlicht that comes very close to the concept of spiritual light. Also, the four colours (red, green, white and black) remind me of the four colours found in many Arab flags, which are said to refer to a 16th Century poem in Arabic. Can it be that some Arabic scholars were versed in Kaballah back then? These were my two cents…

      Thank you for reading this and maybe bouncing back if you have time.

      David / דוד


      • #359359

        I don’t know the extent that they were versed in the wisdom of kabbalah but yes of course, there were Arabs that came to learn with the sages.  We also find that the Sufis have a serious method themselves, I don’t know it but from what I have heard, it is a real method.

    • #339501
      David Baltuch

      Hello Gil and everyone,

      The course “cracking the code” is fabulous. I have a conceptual question: If the letters where created millions of years ago before the real world, how come that Aleph comes from “ox”, an animal of this very world? The same with “beth” that looks like a house?

      Thank you for helping me connect the concepts…


      • #339858

        Alef does not come from ox and bet not from house.
        The letters are relationships of light and vessel.  There was no ox or house until much much later.
        You are referring to something called roots and branches.  This is endless depth to this study, such as what is this material world all in all, with all of the galaxies, and who are we, the only known life in all the universe, on this one tiny rock off to the side of the milky way galaxy.  But all of those qualities from those letters are imprinted at every degree of creation.
        If you continue your study, all of these things will be opened up later.

        • #356637
          David Baltuch

          Thank you, Seth,

          I guess I’m trying to better understand the triangulation between א,ב,ג,ד // ox, house, camel, door // and then this third “thing” whatever it is.

          As you say, it will come gradually, no need to wait to finish medical school in order to take my pills…

          Cordial shalom,


    • #338908
      Jhun Vert

      How can we know that this is true? Please don’t get me wrong, I honestly enjoy this course. But how can we verify that the letters are truly purge by the interaction of Malchut and Binah? How can we truly know that there are ten Sefirot? Are we going to take everything without question? Given that this is science, is there a way to verify these?

      • #356636
        David Baltuch

        Thank you, Seth,

        I guess I’m trying to better understand the triangulation between א,ב,ג,ד // ox, house, camel, door // and then this third “thing” whatever it is.

        As you say, it will come gradually, no need to wait to finish medical school in order to take my pills…

        Cordial shalom,


      • #339852

        The sages who reached the root of these letters wrote down what they discovered and passed it to us.  We too can attain those degrees where we actually sense all of this, not as a study but as perception, however that takes years.  So for now we need to use our mind and heart and ask, does this seem legitimate?  Is there a better place for me to study?  Is it all adding up for me?
        This is a person’s free choice.

        There is a similar situation about medicine.  A person can say, I’m not going to take this lifesaving medicine until I go to medical school and understand exactly how it works and how it will affect me.   It could take 10 years before he finishes medical school.  In that case, it could be life or death.

        Learning the Hebrew letters is not life or death 🙂
        However as you study, you should be checking what you are learning. Does it all add up?  If it does, keep going and slowly slowly it will all come into focus.

    • #336453
      Daniela Karayaneva

      I’ve noticed something very interesting. There was no V sound when reading the text from the “Search” web page – please see attached.

      Does ו

      becomes a vowel instead of being pronounced as a V sound? Thank you!

      • #336569

        The Vav without a vowel has a V sound.  With a vowel it can take on several other sounds, like you said, for example, “ew” or “oh”.

    • #335509
      Phillip Pisciotta

      If  you havea box of crayons can create ‘Black by using all the colors.  But as you said black is the absence of colour.  You then said black is all colors.  I don’t believe so.  The two statements are contradictory.  All colorus = White.  We use a prism to break them apart (refractions).  The sun we see  it on earth, is yellow. It is only yellow because of our atmosphere.  In space it is white. You can test this but it is dangerous.  Looking briefly at the sun when it is overhead (low atmospheric interference) it is white.  Same with the full moon when it rises. it is red. but over head that same night it becomes much smaller and it white.

      • #335515

        Do you have a question related to kabbalah?
        In physics, black is considered the absence of color, as it absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eye.
        With crayons, black is the combination of all colors.

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