
  • #325574

    Gil Shir

    Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 56 total)
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    • #361086
      David Baltuch

      Hello everyone,

      Just a short note to Gil about the letter “Reish” resembling or not “rosh”.  Take the letter and just draw a dot into it. What do you see? 😉

      Shalom Rav, David 🙂 שלום רב ,דוד

    • #361063
      Tammy Ardoin

      Thank you for your time and your help with these teaching. I was just curious if the last few letters do not have a corresponding line to the spiritual worlds?

    • #360650


      There is no clear which forces combines in letter Gimel.

      Also, why vertical line in BET is Z”A? Before you said vertical line is Chohma

    • #360649


      There is no clear which forces combines in letter Gimel.

      Also, why verical line in BET is Z”A? Before you  said vertical line is Chohma

    • #360203
      David Baltuch

      Dear All,

      May I suggest two remarks rather than questions, relating to the concept of Makhshava. First, the difference between the creation and the way we experience it: the metaphor of music comes to my mind. For example, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is a book that you can have in your hand, and all of it is there, static. However, humans can only experience it through time and space, that is the time to unfold the symphony into successive sounds, and the specific space of the concert hall. Now, going from there, another remark will lead me to a trickier topic: ego/selfishness and the rest of the universe. For being a musician, I know all too well that composers like Bach, Beethoven or Mahler were deeply preoccupied by Nature, Spirituality and the Other. They worked all their lives in order to get ever so close to this Higher level of Reality. Yet, they did not do that by connecting to others in a “classic” way, they rather kept away from people in order to develop that higher degree of closeness. Once they got there—that is, when they achieved their master pieces—they were all too happy to share it with people, in the hope that their struggle could help others. So, in a way, they were connecting to the rest of the universe in their own and singular way. What then appears to be “ego” deserves further investigation, as there is more to that concept that meets the eye. There were my two cents.

      All the best,


    • #359391
      David Baltuch

      Dear All,

      There seems to be a problem with the website. Here is what I see when I try to get further in my study.

      Is there anything that I could do to help solve the situation?

      Thank you so much for you precious help,

      Kind wishes,


      • #360761


        We investigated this.
        It looks like your current browser/device blocks Vimeo.
        Try to open it in another browser.
        If this doesn’t work tell us and we’ll open a task to our developers.


        • #360813
          David Baltuch


          My understanding is that my Chrome browser stopped supporting Vimeo, from one day to the next. I now open every Vimeo link in another browser (Firefox) and it works fine.

          Thank you.


Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 56 total)
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