A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 5. The Screen A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

  • #55395

    A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 129 total)
  • Author
    • #221793
      Lu Lu

      To develop and connect once again from our shattered pieces. The goal is equal to the creator for the best of humanity.

    • #221782

      Without a “tool,” we need to connect to the Creator.

    • #221296

      So the people could develop to equivalance of form with the Creator.


    • #221176

      SO they can develop them ..

    • #220721
      Twiggy 02

      because we all come from Adam? so we lack in whatever he lacked.

    • #219542

      if you wish to imitate the creator this must be achieved organically , and not set up artificially. The receiver must want to be wholeheartedly part of the relationship. Without unnatural force. In order for it to be  a true relationship.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 129 total)
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