A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 5. The Screen A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

  • #55395

    A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 133 through 138 (of 164 total)
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    • #280885

      evolution of consciousness would then become impossible

    • #280426

      So many replies seem appropriate. However, free will, connect and earn are not part of an infant’s knowledge of this world.
      My answer appears scientific but truly is regarding God’s laws. We start life as a single cell. At this stage, the zygote has only one job: growth/development. These fetuses , infants , toddlers and young children are in Phase 1 of Light. They must develop and experience before their minds are able to question their purposes or reasons for existence. Let’s admit that the Hochma stage is hard to ignore. Mother has to push us from the breast so that we’ll eat solid foods, especially since we now have teeth! We can look around us and see others that appear to have not “grown” out of this stage of Light. Our parents are preparing us for individualism and free thinking, which can lead us to the next Phase.

      We MUST be born into the Hochma stage. (In order to win the race, you must start at the beginning, the starting line.) We see this with the fetus, infants and toddlers. We are in a pure stage of receiving desire. Only with the development of the human mind, will we question, reject the light, and move into the additional phases.

      Every animal appears to be born in Stage One. A puppy is not the guard dog it will become as a kitty is not yet the skilled mouse hunter it becomes.

      We are meant to be born into Hochma, with the will to receive. I’ve given plenty of examples. It’s God’s law. Spiritual perception only comes with development of the human mind, knowledge and experience and can only be found in the phases following the first, Hochma.

    • #280263
      Jonathan Hague

      The human form is dense matter containing a spark of divine potential to allow us to evolve closer towards and into the Creator. Dynamic variables lead to a conscious awareness and choice as each individual grows.

    • #280152
      Adelina Santos

      Because if we are born with a tool of spiritual perception, then we would be addicted to the light and under the dominion of the Creator with no free will. We need to get back to the Creator with effort and conscious of our free will and understanding.

    • #280147
      Tatjana Ristanić

      free will and free choice

    • #280117

      ”The greatest thing You’ll ever learn Is just to love And be loved in return”

      Nat King Cole – Nature Boy

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