Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 13. Adam HaRishon Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

  • #55427

    Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 91 total)
  • Author
    • #294337
      Adelina Santos

      By studying the process of creation form Above downward, I discover the purpose of creation.

    • #289717
      jose alvarado

      I have learned the Four phases of Direct light and how this light descended into Malchut in degrees. And how we have to climb up these Degrees in order to gather the shattered Souls for our Ultimate Correction in becoming Equivalence of form to the Light.

    • #289617

      That’s complicated

    • #288276

      I understood the  root-branch system, how the human soul was formed and its evolution and also I understood (somehow) the worlds of ABYA.

    • #288236
      Lydia from SLC

      Connection is light

    • #288046
      David J

      We need to connect together to ascend

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 91 total)
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