Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 13. Adam HaRishon Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

  • #55427

    Aside from the many details, what is a key principle you have learned by studying the system of Worlds?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 91 total)
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    • #286580

      There is a system to be able to receive rightfully to bestow to others. The system is complicated. I will re-study it. One thing is clear, though, I need to have thee right desire to be able to bless others and know my Higher Power better.

    • #285557
      dree monster

      honestly the systems of the worlds goes right over my head. definately going to have to watch this course again and again till my heart can tell my brain how it makes sense.

    • #285244

      That there is an entire system to be discovered. I’m confused but excited to learn more as I stay connected and allow the Reforming Light to fill me according to my efforts. He knows my intentions.

    • #284628

      Ik heb veel geleerd, alles is een systeem, een structuur,  en er zijn de  vele trappen  om op e gaan naar de Bovenste wereld . Onze wereld is niet de echte realiteit, slechts een droom, Alles is geregeld door het Ultieme Licht.  Om het contact met de Schepper te herstellen, om te gaan naar de spirituele wereld is de juiste intentie van belang in alles wat ik doe. Ook de juiste omgeving, de mensen met het punt in het hart is belangrijk daar kan ik samen met hen mezelf verder ontwikkelen, als verbrijzelde stukje samen terug naar eenheid, naar de schepper het grote licht de ene ziel van Adam Kadmon

    • #284414

      We will be able to turn our negatives into positives, by using the three lines.

    • #283460
      Wikus de Bruyn

      That there is a system in place, and once we understand how the systems works, we can work with it and become partners with the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 91 total)
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