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    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #286277

      Hi. I have many questions. I one ask one at a time.

      First question is:

      Is there a special, specific kabbalistic practice for the bedtime? I find this time of day trying. If one is alone, nobody to connect to, what do sages say to do? Especially if one has no peace in the night.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Mary</p>

      • #286609

        Hi Mary,

        There is no preference or specific practice. You can always try and read sources.


    • #286256
      mrc s

      How can we be equal if it “seems” that there are people who are more “successful” and there are people who reach Spirituality sooner..? thx

      • #286610

        Hi mrc,

        “Equal” here just refers to qualities. So if there are only two qualities – bestowal and reception – then equal or closer or farther with regards to these qualities. One can never be equal to another in this world, therefore Kabbalah doesn’t refer to this concept in our world.  (I understand you weren’t saying that, just for others who have similar questions).

        The “successful” part you refer to is an observation we have since we measure everything according to the ego, the perception that doesn’t perceive an integral system. In addition, “sooner” or “later” has only to do with the root of the soul. We all have one, it’s unique and there’s nothing a person can control other than the speed of one’s development, which is the last part to your question. A person, by the root of their soul, may be closer to spirituality, but the effort they need to invest or the “flavor” of the corrections they’ve been given makes it to where they can realize themselves possibly at a later “time” than others – but truly, it’s a matter of the environment. This has to do with how well a person can create for themselves the environment that will lift them up out of their ego. If the environment is successful, the person is successful. The general and the particular are the same. It all just depends on whether or not one can invest in that sufficiently.


    • #286238
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>About the tale of the Jew and the landlord.., why not God gave him 5 thousand coins or more but not the beatings first..?</p>

    • #286237
      mrc s

      About laziness and diligent.., how can one be diligent, is it asking for strength..? thank you..

    • #286019
      Pooya Mosadegh

      I understand the meaning of the Kabbalah of healing. Is there a way to speed it up ?!


      • #286608

        Hi Pooya,

        If you’re talking about what the Hebrew word means, then it would translate to reception. LeKabel = To Receive/Kabbalah = Reception.

        If you want to ask about healing, and you’re referring to an inner “wound”, then Kabbalah will guide you where you need to go to see for yourself why you’re hurt in the first place, where it came from and what you need to do.



    • #285821

      Hi, Ive been reading “Kabbalah for the student” and the parts that my intellect can grasp and understand are fascinating and profound. My only concern is that being non Jewish, I lack any knowledge of the Torah or the Mitzvot and have no real understanding of them. Will this hold me back in the studies? Would it be of benefit to study and learn about the Torah and Mitzvot or is it possible to grasp a true understanding of the wisdom without doing so?


      • #286607

        Hi Shaun,

        There’s no requirement to have any background in the Jewish religion, the writings of the Torah or what is written about Mitzvot – how to observe them and when etc… These are all just symbolic to Kabbalists. The benefit comes later when you’ve attained what it means to perform a Mitzva in a spiritual sense which is the place they were taken from in the first place. Religion just kept the physical action and disregarded the inner action. Without the inner grasp of what this type of action is within your will to receive, or “atop” it, the physical actions (pertaining to students) usually just confuse the person trying to learn what the inner wisdom actually is, what the wisdom of Kabbalah is actually referring to if at the same time the student puts finds importance in the physical actions themselves as if they somehow affect the upper worlds.

        Best of luck,


      • #286329
        mrc s

        Isn’t it more logical if the world’s above “this world” is ascending in degrees of pleasure/pleasantness rather than still including mix of bad up to Beriah..? I thought that after crossing the machsom there are only ascent (pleasure).. ? thx

        (Sorry I intend to ask this as a question, accidentally clicked here)

        • #288687

          It actually IS increasing pleasure. It is pleasant to me to be corrected when I make a mistake. Then, as I discover that I don’t know left from right, is more pleasant to learn the truth and let go of illusions, than to continue to live in illusions (way more painful). I changed. Now I feel good when I know how to correct a mistake that … I thought I was doing a good thing, but hurting others. How should I put it? The spiritual satisfactions, even when I’m being corrected, the satisfaction of communing with my Creator even when He/She is saying: “there is a better way” is much higher pleasure than all the worldly pleasures. You probably read the expression “Your rod comforts me”; it is the “YOUR!” (the communion with the Source) that brings spiritual pleasure.

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