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  • #33838


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    • #286713
      mrc s

      Is there a desire to receive bad/harm instead of pleasure..?

      • #287112

        No. Even if it’s painful and the ego found it worthwhile, it’s still considered pleasure.

    • #286460
      mrc s

      If I feel that my state is mostly bad does that mean that I haven’t reached the revelation of the face.., but I guess that I have repented from fear..?

      • #286617

        Hi mrc,

        These are all pretty lofty concepts. I will say, if you feel “bad”, then you’re probably talking about “bitter”, meaning life has its “bitter” moments and its “sweet” moments. I’m of course always longing for these sweet moments.

        Once a person is ready for a different realm of existence, they’re prepared to enter calculations of “truth” and “false” where what they feel in their will to receive, whatever their sensation of existence is whether it’s feeling good or bad, this, they do not relate to – meaning there’s no importance in how they “feel” but rather more interested in acting freely, independently of their inborn nature of acting only in order to receive for themselves and making calculations for how to reach greater levels of equivalence with nature by asking for bestowal instead.



    • #286411
      mrc s

      The ohr pnimi is inside and ohr makif shine from the outside so does it mean that the ohr makif is like beautiful house, wonderful nature etc and ohr pnimi is like feeling happy joyful etc..?

      • #286616

        Hey mrc,

        You can imagine whatever you’d like, as long as you don’t hold onto it and try to build your imagination of what spirituality is based on moments of apparent “clarity”. This is something all of us naturally do since we want to understand spirituality like we familiarize, study and then eventually understand ideas and concepts in our world until we can master them ourselves.

        The best advice is to aim to want to “feel” what the concepts are, where are they within you – meaning emotionally – not your what your corporeal brain can attempt at rationalizing spirituality. The heart will change, and with that the mind will suite itself to the new desire.



    • #286357

      I am facing challenges with study. I appreciate any answers, however obvious. I also appreciate articles to read on my own.

      I have read that Abra cadabra means “as I spake so I created”.  I have found this to be true in my life. So much that I fear saying anything that will make my life worse. I fear the effect my words have on myself and others. What is the reason for this and what is it called?

      • #286615

        Hi Mary,

        Kabbalah explains that we’re given the illusion of control and free choice so we could develop in a certain way, to become “ripe” for where we can find true freedom.



    • #286324
      mrc s

      Is our essence in state one in the ein sof..? Why not state two or three..? State two is more in the centre? thx

      • #286614

        Hey mrc,

        Not able to grasp your question on this one. You mind rephrasing?


        • #286711
          mrc s

          State one is the preliminary thought, two correction mode, and three the end of correction.., in which state is our essence..? thx

    • #286313
      mrc s

      I assume that my father is an emotional vampire or just a bad person (lately often thinks that he is the antichrist) should I avoid near him..?

      • #286613

        Hey mrc,

        We can’t really comment on personal matters. We hope you can take from what impressions you get by studying here and interacting, absorbing as much as you can and by that give yourself more clarity when faced with anything that ever happens in your life – from moment to moment, to traumatic events or big decisions. It’s all a game from the Creator preparing for you the next moment where maybe there He’ll turn to you again and you’ll know where to find Him, what He wants and how to do it.


        • #286712
          mrc s

          thx.., I like it if we approach life as a game to take us to the end.. 👍

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