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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 529 through 534 (of 680 total)
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    • #313308

      If there is none else besides Him, is there such a thing as an innocent victim?

      • #313593
        David J

        Confused,  what is acceptable corporeal desires vs. Spiritual desire?

        • #313596

          Even my corporeal desires can become spiritual, however not all at once. A desire is made spiritual by it having on top of it Restriction, The Screen, and Reflected Light. In the meantime, because you don’t know how to do that yet, we need to imbibe our Kabbalistic materials as much as possible. The Light in them Reforms, and gradually changes the desire.

      • #313590
        David J

        How difficult is it to stay/work in the right/truth 23.5 hrs each day?

        • #313592

          For now, we don’t know what this work is. That excerpt is about a very advanced person. If we want to get a feel for how difficult, try to be in the thought that there is a singular Upper Force guiding me and everyone to good.

        • #313595
          David J

          Thank you

      • #313316

        For this, we have to go into Perception of Reality. I see with my current vessels, my 5 senses. There’s another set of senses I can acquire, just as real, and even more real, more concrete than the world I think to be so real. In these spiritual senses I see the true reality, whereas right now I’m in what Kabbalists call the imaginary world. I need to add these senses and then I’ll see that there’s no one suffering. “Man must know that the world was created only for him”.

    • #313273

      Dear KabU,  If the kabbalists live in two worlds and I only live in this world, then what is/ are the relationships I have with those people in my life at varying degrees of closeness to me –what does this mean? father, mother partner, stranger.  It must mean something and these people must represent something?

      Additionally, when I am out walking in nature I can see the beauty around me what does this mean it must represent something?

      thanks Lyndon S.

      • #313317

        All that is your desires, on degrees of Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking. And the only question is with which ones can I form right now the most immediate conscious two-way (at a minimum) connection toward the Upper Force?

    • #313208

      Hi KabU,  An elementary question if I may.

      If all our endeavours is to overcome our own self-reception then why do we have to do this (what we are all aspiring to do) anyway. I mean, what was the purpose of the ego in the first place if it is only here to hinder us and serves nothing more than something we must overcome. To partly answer my own question, it seems natural to not like the ego I mean, it is a ruthless and perpetual master which takes our free will but I’m still a bit confused here as to why we got it to this point by way of natural evolution with such a dad attribute as the ego – why.

      thanks Lyndon S.

      • #313225

        Without the ego, there’s nothing to feel the Creator in comparison to.

        • #313272

          Yes i get this thanks

    • #312640

      What is the relation of the Ten Commandments in the Zohar to the Ten Commandments Moses received on Mt Sinai?

      • #312721

        There’s a relationship, but not a readily explainable one. And I don’t really need to know that; the way I can know that in words isn’t considered really understanding. I just need to know that the writers of the Zohar want to present what they are calling commandments in a certain order because probably that’s the order in which it is possible for me to attain them. Whereas the Torah is not a guidebook for attainment for people who are below the Barrier to the spiritual world.

    • #312514

      In the 2/13 Monday afternoon lesson with the Rav, (around the 27 min. mark) when Rav was asked about his responses to a woman in the Kavkaz 1 Ten, Rav stated that he did not like her, she is mischievous, I relate to her badly, don’t like her specifically, that the women in the Ten need to pray for her correction, women need to defend her to the Rav so he will see she is a good Friend, Rav states he does not see she is a good Friend, they, the Ten, said she is a good Friend, Rav states he does not feel this. I do not understand the command for the Ten to pray for the correction of the Friend to have better connection with the Rav, as I thought, if I am having difficulty relating to another in the Ten or Group then it was the Creator giving me specifically something to work on and it was for me to ask the Creator for my correction? Any insight on this would be welcomed.

      • #312740

        So the Zohar is meant as a guidebook for those below the spiritual barrier?

        • #312741

          🙂 That’s a proper follow-up question. It is written for us. The fact that it’s not understandable is because we need to develop the Kelim (vessels) to feel, and then understand what we’re feeling. Afterward, we cross the Barrier. Then it really becomes a guidebook to the spiritual world.

      • #312519

        If we see a flaw, we nevertheless need to ask; and asking for others is far more effective than asking for oneself, even if I am asking to be corrected.

    • #312093

      Dear Zohar,

      Assumpton: If we recognize , some of our egoistic inclinations, being horrified with it, having already established fine connections in our ten, raising MAN there, seeing no improvements in our state to come to faith above reason,then my best question would be like: do I make a move, double my intention, or stay put. (and sign in for the retreat later this year). Really i do not know now, but would like to know your opinion. Thanks in advance.

      • #312095

        If I’ve done all that I could to connect, but I haven’t revealed the Upper World, I must conclude that there is more that needs to be done. It could be that all that is left is turning to the Creator – but there must be something. And, in fact, I should every moment think, “What else can I do to advance the friends to connection,” no matter what state I’m in.

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