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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 541 through 546 (of 680 total)
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    • #307897

      What is “Virtual Group Advanced”. It just popped in my page…

      • #307961

        Hello Sauli, here’s a reply from Zohar: There was an apparent mistake with the tags on his account, it has been fixed now.
        The Virtual Group Advanced class is something he will have access to after graduation from the Young Group.

    • #307883

      What is the Mochin?

    • #307826

      Questing about “Shamati 12. Lishma (for Her sake)”

      Why “Her sake” ? I thought bestowal is always masculine, something like “for His sake”. I am a bit confused about this.

      • #307832

        For the sake of the Kli (vessel), which in its corrected form is called Shechina, in which the Creator can dwell.

    • #307718

      At the end of the year some questions and best wishes for all the friends, instructors, all who make it possible to operate Bnei Baruch so to make it a living, learning organism, for those who seek the wisdom of Kabbalah.

      How to change my relationship towards the friends in order to connect the point in the hearts?

      What exactly do I anticipate from an action?

      What efforts can we make in our  lessons (or after it)  to reveal the Upper Force?

      How can we sense that we are connected in one system?

      How can we, in our connection, increase the demand for correction?

      Questions, that are already answered by our experienced instructors, but the un-experienced are not that wise, so they keep on raising these questions, hoping they will reach that level also.

      Always grateful for the abundance of knowledge, wisdom an patience you are giving to us, the students, I wish you all the best for the coming years.

      In awe and respect.



      What do we need to build our common kli?

      • #307719

        Hi Paul,

        How to change my relationship towards the friends in order to connect the point in the hearts?

        I have to change MY relationship towards them. Their greatness exists already at a deeper frame of nature than the frame I’m currently viewing. The only question is if I can work beyond the frame I’m seeing. That will bring the frame in which they are great, closer as it activates the Upper Light.

        What exactly do I anticipate from an action?

        That I would like to make it an act of bestowal, with no result, except for a result that will be in the friends, for their benefit, without any feedback. The fact that were I able to do that there would be something, I don’t care about that. I’m looking for an act of pure bestowal, contentment in the friends and the Creator.

        What efforts can we make in our  lessons (or after it)  to reveal the Upper Force?

        Ask: what do I need to do inside to be the perfect example for the friends? What will connect them? We are, afterall, internally connected whether we want it or not, and every move in me affects them and visa versa.

        How can we sense that we are connected in one system?

        By acting like we’re in one system.

        How can we, in our connection, increase the demand for correction?

        Envy, lust and honor bring a person out of this world. Envy the friends, and set an example of the perfect friend on the path.

        Questions, that are already answered by our experienced instructors, but the un-experienced are not that wise, so they keep on raising these questions, hoping they will reach that level also.

        We don’t perceive questions as the same questions when they’re asked by a different friend. There are only so many questions that can be, but they’re new if coming from a different Kli.

    • #307094

      Can language corrupt our soul, or our point in the heart? Since we are – or to become – on the human, speaking level. How to deal with alternative facts, or on the other end,   telling thruth in the form of a lie? What is the best way to deal with speaking from your heart, and seeing disruption sometimes as a result?

      • #307159

        Usually – not good to speak “from the heart”. To reveal what’s in my heart? – What’s in there besides egoism? Better to make a calculation: now – calculatedly – I am revealing x, y, and z because of such and such reasons. And not that I just reveal what’s in my heart because it is there in my heart and wants to come out. No. Nothing gets out without an intention for why I should bring it out. The reason can never be me. The reason has to be because it would bring contentment to that which is outside me.

    • #306701

      Dear KabU, How do we access the study material which Mike refers to at the end of the lesson relating to Dec 8, 2022 – Ibur – the Process of Creation | Graduate Class?  There is no link or attachments in the ‘study material’ on the grad platform.  thanks Lyndon S

Viewing 6 posts - 541 through 546 (of 680 total)
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