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  • #128071


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    • #304280

      Is there an advisable, recognisable  order of development within a group? Say, first recognition of our egoistic desires and sensing that we lack unity and after that an increasing desire for intention to bestow? To put it differently: is there an order, a sequence in correction?

      • #304387

        Hello Paul. Yes, there is an order to our corrections. We correct the lightest desires first and continue to the heaviest desires – changing our desires from in order to receive to in order to bestow. It has to be this way because most of our ego is hidden, so we have to start with the superficial parts we perceive.

      • #304282

        There’s an order. There’s an exact order to the development of a fetus in the womb but we don’t really detect it: a bit of the lung, a bit of the heart, a bit of the foot… everything has order, it only depends on our ability to perceive it. A baby doesn’t realize it’s developing, it just develops, and obviously lacks the metadata to perceive this development as taking place according to an order. We’re the same in the many early stages of our spiritual growth.

    • #304240
      Aaron Lessin

      With regard to roots and branches, to what world do the branches extend?

      • #304254

        Everything in this world, “every blade of grass has a force above that strikes it and tells it, “Grow!.””

        • #304302
          Aaron Lessin

          Do all the branches remain spiritually united at the root level? It doesn’t seem as if there could be any notion of separation in the world of Keter.

        • #304307

          We need a Kabbalist really of the stature of the ARI to talk about that. This is what he writes:


          Behold that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created,

          The Upper Simple Light had filled the whole existence.

          And there was no vacancy, such as an empty air, a hollow,

          But all was filled with that Simple, Boundless Light.

          And there was no such part as head, or end,

          But everything was One, Simple Light, balanced evenly and equally,

          And it was called “the Light of Ein Sof (Infinity).”

          And when upon His simple will, came the desire to create the worlds and emanate the emanations,

          To bring to light the perfection of His deeds, His names, His appellations,

          Which was the cause of the creation of the worlds,

          Then the Ein Sof restricted Himself, in His middle point, precisely at the center,

          And He restricted that Light, and drew far off to the sides around that middle point.

          And there remained an empty space, an empty air, a vacuum

          Precisely from the middle point.

          And that restriction was equally around that empty, middle point,

          So that the space was evenly circled around it.

          And after the restriction, when the vacant space remained empty

          Precisely in the middle of the Light of Ein Sof,

          A place was formed, where the Emanations, Creations, Formations, and Actions might reside.

          Then from the Light of Ein Sof, a single line hung down from Above, lowered into that space.

          And through that line, He emanated, created, formed, and made all the worlds.

          Prior to these four worlds, there was one Light of Ein Sof, whose Name is One, in wondrous, hidden unity,

          And even in the angels closest to Him

          There is no force and no attainment in The Ein Sof,

          As there is no mind of a created that could attain Him,

          For He has no place, no boundary, no name.

          –The Ari, The Tree of Life, Part One, Gate One

        • #304308
          Aaron Lessin

          Beautiful. And so what are we to make of this in our work? Do we experience each other as separate in the corporeal world because we are spiritually disconnected or is it merely our flawed perception of the unity of spiritual reality, revealing to us our need for correction? I find this scrutiny very important because it highlights whether our work changes spiritual reality or simply results in a change in our perception of corporeal existence.

        • #304309

          Against the perfected World of Eyn Sof stand several degrees of correction, which are only degrees of correction of my shattered attitude to reality. Only due to this inner depiction I feel I’m in a world full of crime, war, divorces, famine, and what not. It is written, “I the Lord do not change.” It only appears so because I change, thus it is also written, “Every day I have a new Creator.”

        • #304310
          Aaron Lessin

          Thank you. This resonates deeply. So why do we talk of the one soul of Adam HaRishon being shattered into 600,000 pieces, when really there’s no notion of quantity or change in spirituality?

        • #304313

          Because Kabbalah speaks to the person and what he needs to correct in him.

        • #304317
          Aaron Lessin

          Meaning his flawed, egoistic perception of reality?

        • #304318

          Only that.

        • #304319
          Aaron Lessin

          Thank you.

    • #304211

      If the point in the heart is a sensation of the creator (the real ” I”, as i understand it), what are the 613 desires needed for? Is this my playing field, to overcome the desires to receive and raise a screen above it. And if the screen is my intention to bestow, how does the point in the heart relate to that intention?

      • #304255

        The Point in the heart is like the seed or embryonic cell that has the potential to grow to include all 613 desires in a corrected form.

    • #303921
      Aaron Lessin

      Related to this week’s lessons of “Standing between Heaven and Earth”:  How is “between Heaven and Earth” related to the middle line? Is the middle line the absence of the left and right line? Or the combination of the left and right lines?

      • #303922

        Hi Aaron,

        Heaven (shamaiim) and Earth (Aretz) are Keter and Malchut. Between heaven and Earth is Bina. Or, we can simply say, Heaven is the level of bestowal that is higher than the degree I’m on. It’s not precisely the Middle Line.

        The Middle Line is above the Left and Right but does not exist without them. It has to be built above them.

        • #303999
          Aaron Lessin

          Thank you for the reply, Gianni. What do you mean that the middle line is “above” the left and right?

        • #304004

          “Above” usually means “of greater importance” in the wisdom of Kabbalah, but here it also means that the Right and Left Lines were already correctly established. It’s not that we’re already in either Left or Right. We’re simply not in this system at all yet.

        • #304847

          Meaning: we are not ready yet, because we have n’ t build the screen yet? Our point in the heart has to grow more above our opposite tendencies (good and bad inclinations, left and right line) to merge in balance between them? The ligt being at rest, us by nature the will to receive,  why with the efforts we undertake ( 3 pillars) are we not in the system?

        • #304849

          You have to build the entire system. Before that, it’s just a beast with all of its actions dictated to it, except with a sensation of having free choice and so on.

    • #303766

      Dear KabU,

      I watched Rav’s class this morning, he explained about the desire for bestowal which first requires going above reason. He also said that it is necessary for the student to accept that there is none else besides him also above reason as well.

      A students asked ‘how do we sense bestowal is it in the mind or in the feelings’. And, Rav said it is felt in both mind and heart.

      My question is: I already have a notion that there is none else besides him but only in the intellectual capacity. I mean, my mental faculty/ mind  is happy to accept that there is a single force which stands behind the corporeal world and I can accept that and my mind is happy with that. the problem is that I do not ‘feel’ this yet I mean I do not recognise in any way shape or form that there is none else besides him nor  feel this way, how can I overcome this anomaly [the accepting mind and the non-feeling heart?  Thanks, Lyndon S.

      • #303792

        It’s good, Lyndon. Let’s continue. We have to take the concepts as axioms. That’s called “faith in the sages”. If a scientist has claimed he discovered something, and I want to check his work, I have to believe in him don’t I? Otherwise it’s not worth my time to carry out the work. We can prove in every way that all is interconnected, one system, and yet each one will have to correct himself to feel it. Because not feeling it comes from the fact that I am shattered. That’s why I see things and feel them as shattered. That’s why I need to work on love of friends. Because I don’t have a non-shattered attitude towards anything. I need to start with the group, then; to build an interconnected system there. I can start feeling it there and extend it later to the whole world.

    • #303552
      Maria B. W12

      There is a Women’s world event coming up next week that I only hear about at the grad lessons but no link to subscribe. Please help, how to subscribe and attend. Or is it only invitation based?

      • #303688

        A response from Zohar:

        We will be sharing information this week to all our women how to connect to the convention, there is no registration for it, but there will be a message with all the details, how to connect, where to connect, etc

      • #303600

        Hi Maria,

        For the moment we have not seen any registration, if there is we will let all of you know. All the women are invited and encouraged to participate, this is going to be a very special gathering!

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