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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 609 total)
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    • #251626
      Jurandy Silva

      It´s been a while since I don´t come here. What happened to KabU website? LOL
      My first impression was good… things are organized in such a way they became easier to find. I see some new courses, so is there any tutorial for this new website? Something that would make a tour? Thank you all

      • #280200

        Hello Jurandy. Here’s a reply from Zohar:

        We are in the midst of creating an orientation clip, and explanation. Because we just migrated the Grad Environment to KabUConnect, there are a couple more upgrades that will be happening shortly to our page, so we were hoping to include those in the orientation as well.
        We hope to be able to share it in the next week or so.

    • #222808

      i’d like to ask something from my experience. the other day, i experienced rage like i never felt. after that i clearly saw my desire and felt so much despair. i begged the creator to correct me so that i can bestow to another person purely. is this  what prayer is? but if i also pray that the other person gain more strength to resolve this issue between us – is this prayer for another? or is it egoistic for me?

      • #222986

        Hello Beth. We are told there are 3 parts to the prayer – acknowledgement, request and thanks.

        First, I acknowledge that there is none else but the Creator and He has the ability and the will to answer my prayer. Second, I make my request to the Creator, a request for my correction. And third, I thank Him because I know whatever He does, it is for my benefit.

        I do not pray that the Creator will “fix” someone else. In the end there is no one else, just me and the Creator.

    • #222761
      Adelina Santos


      I have a question about the Excerpts 17 and 18 of faith above reason.

      What actions can we make within the ten to reach incondicional surrender?

      Thank you



      • #222987

        Hello Adelina. I want to act toward the 10 with the attitude that, regardless of my personal desires, what is important to me is adhesion to the desire of the 10. If we have the right attitude, any actions we make bring us closer to the goal.

        Here is a quote from excerpt 18 with the word “ten” substituted for the word Creator. “I want to be a servant of the 10 even though I have no idea about the work and I feel no flavor in the work. Nevertheless, I am willing to work with all my might as though I have attainment and feeling and flavor in the work, and I am willing to work unconditionally.”

    • #221767

      Hi! I have a question regarding the four phases of light. I understand that the the four phases of light happened in the thought of creation, before the creation of the kli. Therefore, should we see this phases completely separated from the evolution of the kli (cascading through the five worlds, this world and then going back up the ladder) or they are somehow or somewhere incorporated/replicated in this whole process? Thank you.

      • #221775

        Hello Monica. Actually, the appearance of Malchut in the four phases of direct light is the kli. All the partzufim that cascade down to our world are replications, by way of cause and consequence, of the original 4 phases.

    • #221147

      What does it means having a broken Massach? Thanks

      • #221221

        It means that instead of having an intention to please the Creator, my intention is only to please myself.

        • #221241

          Thanks Kim!
          Nice to be connected to you.

    • #220578

      My question is, why was there no mention of reading the Torah in any of the courses? Does not the knowledge of Kabbalah come out of the Torah? Does not zohar pay to PRDS Torah? I did not see anything about Shabbat and Halachot and Mitzvot in the courses!

      • #220649

        The KabU courses study the writings of Baal HaSulam and Rabash. The reason for this is that their writings explain kabbalah for our generation, the generation that is beginning to feel the maximum growth of the ego.  In particular, the writings of Rabash tell us how to enter the spiritual path from our current state. The writings of kabbalists in the past were basically for communication with other kabbalists, those who had already entered spiristuality.

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 609 total)
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