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    • #293254

      Dear Insructor, Could you please post the link for the item in Mike’s class [June 23, 2022 – Concealment and Revelation | Graduate Class] ‘Reveal to the Creator’ .

      Thanks You.  Lyndon S

      • #293447

        Hi Lyndon. Here’s a reply from Beth Shillington: I don’t know how to access it in the archive. could help.

        I suggest you ask Mike at his next class. I’m betting other students would like to know the same thing – it has always been a popular piece.

      • #293423
        Wikus de Bruyn

        Thank you, Jim, this helps a lot. I also heard in today’s morning lesson that a disturbance is measured against importance towards the goal.

    • #292889


      Head of Languages contact please?

      • #292928

        Hi Li za. I sent your post to Zohar. He replied: This chat is seen by the heads of the English department.

    • #292781

      Dear Instructor,

      My question is, is there a list of all websites available to the students in the Graduate Environment and which websites offered by KabU  are best for example videos, searching terms, letters, terms.  You see, I get very mixed up with, Arvut, etc

      I get confused.  Thank you.  Lyndon

    • #292779

      Dear Instructor,

      In my 10 we are reading Shamati progressing chapter by chapter.  Last night we read ‘2 Divinity in Exile’.

      My question is, with these new ideas and new terms it is difficult to relate to them in any actual way in the corporeal sense.  I have learnt before that the first steps of learning don’t seem to result to much (rather like forming mental pegs on which to hang future information).

      Is this approach right, I mean not to be able to really understand/grasp fully the terms Shechina, Shocken etc as we all got a little bit confused and it can be deflating.  This is such a short chapter too.

      Any thoughts would be of great help.  Warm wishes.  Lyndon.

      • #292859

        Hello Lyndon. You bring up a problem that we all have – how to study the writings of the kabbalists. It’s problematic for at least two reasons that I can think of. One, there is no way to know what they are talking about without first entering spirituality – just like there is no way to know what an apple tastes like without eating one. Actually knowing what an apple tastes like can not be put into words. Second, we are not studying in order to understand something. We are studying in order to be transformed. There’s a big difference. Here is a famous quote from the Introduction to the Study of the 10 Sefirot, item #155 that addresses the matter:

        155) Therefore, we must ask, Why then did the Kabbalists obligate every person to study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Indeed, there is a great thing about it, which should be publicized: There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy to those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the lights that surround their souls.

        This means that every person from Israel is guaranteed to finally attain all the wonderful attainments with which the Creator contemplated in the thought of creation to delight every creature. And one who has not been awarded in this life will be granted in the next life, etc., until one is awarded completing His thought, which He had planned for him, as it is written in The Zohar.

        And while one has not attained perfection, the lights that are destined to reach him are considered surrounding lights. This means that they stand ready for him but are waiting for him to purify his vessels of reception, and then these lights will clothe the able vessels.

        Hence, even when he does not have the vessels, when he engages in this wisdom, mentioning the names of the lights and the vessels related to his soul, they immediately illuminate upon him to a certain extent. However, they illuminate for him without clothing the interior of his soul, for lack of vessels able to receive them. Yet, the illumination one receives time after time during the engagement draws upon him grace from above, and imparts him with abundance of sanctity and purity, which bring him much closer to achieving his wholeness.

    • #292776

      Dear Mike, I watch recorded sessions/classes from the grad environment.

      I love your classes but I struggled a little more with the latest one and I have a question [class 23 June 22].

      At about 35 minutes into the class, you mentioned that you had visited Buchenwald Concentration Camp [with other KabU members] and you thought to yourself “what happened to all these people that suffered so much but then it hit me!, it is both sides that went through this”.

      You then go on to explain that we need to make a connection with everyone and the lesson continues . . . My question is what do you mean when you said “it is both sides of me that went through this?”

      Thank you so much in advance. Lyndon S

    • #292430

      About Lesson “A Sage Speaks” June 21st:

      Hi Seth,

      In the last lesson, you asked us to give you some feedback and suggestions on where we wish to go after finishing “Preface to the Book of Zohar”. I still have some difficulties speaking during the lessons, so I hope it’s OK to write it down.

      I find  your sessions very helpful. I read the text before the lesson and understand nothing. I know the words, but they are empty for me. During the lesson, I feel like I a great kabbalist, I get it (sweet, sweet deception 🙂 ). After the lesson I read  the text again and I am able to grasp some little percentage and make my own notes. So it’s working. Slowly, gradually, but still.

      So I have 2 suggestions aboout future lessons:

      1. We read the same, very short excerpt from a kabbalistic text in the beginning and at the end of the lesson. Thus, we can scrutinize for ourselves how our state has changed in the 90 minutes of connection.

      2. Your drawings in the beginning of the last lesson were great. Very clear and understandable. So why don’t you try us with “Preface to the Sulam Commentary”? I am curious about that one. No idea if it is suitable for us though.

      Regardless of which article you and the rest of the group choose to start, I am grateful to be part of this environment and will try to keep waking up at 3 a.m. to connect to you all.

      All the best and thank you!


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