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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #54301

      Who created Creator (Adam Ha Rishom)?

    • #54254

      From SHAMATI, the essence of one’s work:

      Hence, one’s primary exertion should be to acquire a force
      that feels taste in bestowing, which is through lessening the force
      that feels taste in self-reception. In that state one slowly acquires
      the taste in bestowing.

      Question: But how? Since our  egoistic nature is to receive? How to balance between the right hand and the left hand, between Klipa and Kedusha , what is the turning point, where the point in the heart passes the barrier? How to balance the scales?

      By “” hating evil”?  I notice that there are many “how”s in my question, I guess I am being impatient with myself.

      • #54567

        Well Paul, you have many good discernments. We don’t go for the light.  We say we do, and if feels like we do, but we are, and we have the ability to work with the vessels and according to the vessels that is what light dwells in the vessels as it says you have made Me.  We make the Creator.
        After all, the light forms the vessel and the light will fill the vessel, so where is our participation?
        Now we are learning about the operations of the light.  As we study and try to connect more to the sources, the friends who are studying with me, the light works on my matter and I feel I want, I don’t want, I like, I don’t like and more and more I experience changes, up down in out and by this I’m advancing, I’m discovering who I am and what the Creator is doing with me.  He is making me confused and then awakened, He is throwing me to the left and to the right.  We don’t measure a kabbalist by how high he is somewhere, we measure from the distance, the “par” it’s called in Hebrew, the gap between the descents and the ascents, this is where the spiritual movement takes place that we slowly slowly attach everything to Him.  He gives us a portion, on the left side and we correct it on the right side and new reshimot appear and again he gives us a portion and we admit it into kedusha (sanctity).
        The greater you become, the more light that shines, the more you will reveal your true nature, what the Creator created, which is 100% a will to receive and by doing what is written and we’ll learn how to do it more and the role of the spiritual environment, we will correct our vessel and the light of bestowal dwells in there.

    • #54217

      What kind of being was Adam Ha Rishom, was it a being of light, energy, an actual person or else?

      • #54566

        Well, we came to something very special and unique.  We arrived at the wisdom of kabbalah and it has a certain language.
        Music has a language, it’s Italian for the most part.  In musical notation, Italian is used.  Adagio means a slow tempo, Crescendo means to gradually get louder, an Arpeggio are chord notes played in succession rather than simultaneously.
        Science uses Greek. Delta means the change between things.  Sigma is the symbol for the sum of things, etc.
        In the wisdom of kabbalah we use Hebrew, that’s the language of this science.  It is very precise.
        It does not speak of phenomenon in this world, it speaks of phenomenon in the spiritual world.
        Adam HaRishon cannot fit into a clothing from this physical world because this name refers to something spiritual which is specifically not something physical.  Adam HaRishon we can say is a system, we can say it is the network of the common soul.  We will learn more about, but now try to feel something new, something that the kabbalist is writing to us and leave the previous definitions that you brought on the side for now.
        We are going to depict a spiritual world inside of our feelings.  We need to get used to all of this new language.

    • #53826

      Question: If there is no-one else besides Him, than how should I react to other people actions? As I understand that is actually Creators action against me through “my world” where is this other person. Should I judge person by its action? When this person has no freedom as its only Creator law behind everything. But we are judging people and sorting them in our daily life. What would be right approach for me in daily life when experiencing different action from other people?

      • #54221

        You are right, there is the spiritual world and there is the corporeal world.   Our corporeal life was not just given to us so we could have something to eat everyday.  It is an inseparable part of our spiritual advancement.  But we don’t teach a person in first grade physics, we learn simple math first and then we build on it.  So first we need to stabilize our corporeal life.  Work, family, health.  That should be normal, healthy, comfortable, after all this is what the Creator gave as a creature like all the creatures.

        And after that we have free time.  With our free time we invest in the spiritual environment.  We make spirituality important to us.  And since it is important, it effects us and we start think about it more and work with it more and then, with those spiritual thoughts and discernments  we will bring the two worlds together.  We are existing in the lowest world and by that we will gradually build a ladder that rises to the top of creation.

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