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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #184290

      For me, it is difficult to accept that there is no good or bad in my decisions to be close or far from the creator.  I did not fully understand how is all  about ¨intentions”

      • #184351

        From our perception, of course there is good and bad.
        We live in this world and there are laws here and we have a family and there are ways that we behave in a family.
        Of course your should be “good” to your children.
        But if we go and study biology, psychology and all of the hormones in a person, we will see that our love is very natural, over thousands and thousands of years we developed like this to care for our young.
        And in society we have customs, you don’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you and we all get along because in this way it will be a more comfortable life for everyone.

        But now we are studying spirituality.
        It is a different level altogether.
        If your little daughter makes a painting with her fingers and it is a big mess but it is her artwork and she is proud and she brings it to you to give it to you.  You receive it from her.
        If you reject it, you will hurt her feelings, so by receiving, you are giving.
        In this small example you can see what we are pointing to in spirituality.
        We are not talking about an “action” so to speak.  We are talking about an attitude, an intention.

    • #127210

      how can i understand spirituality

      • #127786

        Imagine you have a son and together you are sitting at the table eating pizza.
        For him, it is a good slice of pizza and he is happy to sit with his dad.
        You paid for the pizza with money that you worked for and the money went to the bank and now it is in your pocket either in cash or card or maybe you pay with your phone.  You know that the cheese on the pizza came from a cow and you understand that the cow lived somewhere and someone milked the cow and the milk went into a truck on the highway to a cheese factory and then into plastic bags. And also the tomatoes and also the owner of the pizza shop pays rent and has employees and insurance.
        And your son, for him, it’s just a slice of pizza with dad.
        And all of that is for a piece of pizza.
        So the same for spirituality, as we grow up in spirituality, we will start perceiving the system more and more.  It takes time.  I recommend that you review all of the lessons and make notes as if one day you will teach this to someone else, write down the most important points, write down the most important questions, write down your favorite quotes, use colors or drawings if you want and slowly, slowly inside of you will will build the spiritual form and then you will feel all of the connections more and more.

    • #63387

      Is it personal responsibility, but guided by the creator?

      • #63398

        When there is a child in school, the child must do her work, to try, make mistakes, corrections, make all kinds of efforts.
        But we as the parents provide the food, the clothes, the pens and paper, we drive the child to school in the morning, we arrange each and every detail so that the child can take a step on her own.
        Similarly, the Creator is arranging each and every detail, including all of our mistakes and corrections and all of our efforts, but on our part, we feel independant and in this we build impressions in ourselves about what is this reality.  We feel that we are in control.  Later we will discover the Creator arranged everything in order to bring us to close contact with Him.

    • #62579
      Ali Nadalipour

      Hi .in the video talked about feeling joy and we feel it.if I individually study because around me no one is doing this i couldn’t go important the friends r for this wisdom?

      • #62725

        Friends are the most important.
        Don’t worry, everything can be done virtually.
        More than that, the virtual connection is preparing us for the spiritual connection.
        We don’t need to smell and touch our friends in order to connect, we will reveal the spiritual network between us called the soul.

    • #61400

      We can say then, that we are predestined to be corrected in our life, as long as we understand our reality for what it really is, hopeless without the light of the creator? It seems to me then, that the sin in the garden of Eden was not cunnning advice by the serpent, but, the intention of Eve and Adam in believing a source antagonistic with the Creator, and since He is the only one that exists and no other power besides him exist, it became Heresy, or not? I understand that within the light of Ein Sof everything came into being,that however,does not mean that there isnt forms of that same energy acting in behalf of the creator in his purpose in creation, meaning angels and evil spirits?

      • #62726

        Hi Ricardo,
        Great question.  We can’t resolve it all here in a few paragraphs.
        But you are correct that even the serpant is the Creator.
        And what is called the sin is that the created being could not hold the endless light which caused the shattering.

    • #61122

      No questions rignt now.

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