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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 542 total)
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    • #327185

      For myself week 1 brings a desire of correcting my paperwork for a proper birthright through a Beit Din because of my Kli and the proposals of Weds.

    • #327132

      During the video I became very emotional about the idea of touching the spiritual world. I am normally a well balanced person emotionally, but did shed a tear and it really touched me. I don’t want to appear emotionally wooly so to speak. Can anyone tell me more about this emotional occourance please? Thank you.

      • #327151

        Hi Angela,

        It happens. The Kabbalists describe such experiences as our vessels being too small to contain the light, so the process of the light spilling out is sometimes expressed as tears. It’s normal.

        In general, we experience many things on the spiritual path. The main thing is to just keep going, to keep placing yourself under the influence of the light, especially during the Kabbalistic studies, and it will balance everything out.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #327157

          Thank you Albert,

          I have clicked the link and read the text there.

          Could I ask you one more question please?  What could be the cause of my having a small Kli?  Could it be because I have strived in life to have less desire, and therefore found an easy way to feel happy with what I have?  Also maybe because I have a feeling of a self reliant (Ego) support belief system?  Or could there be another cause of a small Kli?  I would like to find out more about this so I could have a bigger Kli as that sounds lovely.

        • #327183

          Hi Angela,

          By ourselves, each one of us is but a small point, a dot of the spiritual Kli. The only way to grow that dot is by connecting it with others.

          We’ll learn how to do this practically in the more advanced lessons, in the meantime check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

          Albert @ KabU

        • #327214

          Thank you Albert,

          First sign that I am in the right place.

          Thank you for your kindness and time


    • #327119

      Thank you!

    • #327068

      i have no idea

    • #327048

      This generation must be at a low level, spiritually, when compared to earlier ones. I guess that’s why the restrictions on learning Kabbalah have been loosened.

      • #327087

        Hi Stephen,

        Spirituality means becoming similar to the Creator, to His qualities of love and bestowal. Opposite to spirituality is egoism. To the extent that the ego grows, it makes us go further and further away from spirituality. Our generation marks the peak growth of egoism. Which on one hand makes us the furthest from spirituality. But on the other hand, it makes us the most suitable for studying Kabbalah, which is the method for correcting egoism. So it’s not just that the restrictions were loosened, but rather, now that egoism has peaked, it’s the perfect time to open up Kabbalah to the world.

        It’s just like in medicine: if a person does not feel sick, he should not be drinking any medicine. But once he does feel sick, he can take the medicine and heal himself. Likewise with us, before egoism peaked, Kabbalah was hidden from the world. But now that it’s fully revealed, the Kabbalists opened it up for everyone to use and heal themselves of egoism.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #327040
      John Rogers

      I aam only able to watch until exactly 20:35. It refuses to play after this, and I only see a revolving circle.

      • #327047
        John Rogers

        Disregard previous post. Problem solved.

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 542 total)
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