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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 542 total)
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    • #327289

      Will descriptions of all of the 4 remaining “Upper Worlds” be described in future lectures?

    • #327267

      Hello, my name is Darren. I enjoyed the 1st video: The Essence of Wisdom. It leaves me with a question: Anthony shares that there are 125 steps to the highest spiritual world (Beriah).  In the system of yoga, yoga is often defined as union with the divine. If one climbs all 125 steps, would that be the equivalent of achieving yoga, union with the divine?

      • #327288

        Hi Darren,

        I’m not an expert in other methods, so I cannot comment on what they teach there. In general, the 125 degrees symbolize the difference between us and the Creator. Our nature is pure reception, while His nature is that of pure bestowal. To the extent that we correct our nature, make it similar to His, to that extent we’re climbing this ladder. And in this process, we become more and more similar to Him until we are fully adhered to Him.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #327245

      What was so significant about 1995, that justified the release of the hidden Kabbalah?

      • #327287

        Hi Alejandro, good question!

        Although we point to 1995 as to when Kabbalah became revealed, technically the prohibition was lifted much earlier, from the time of the Ari. He was the one to make a very special correction within the entire spiritual system, after which its not only possible, but a must to openly disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to help the whole world reach its correction.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details on the Ari:

        So why do we say 1995? Let’s put a few things into perspective:

        Kabbalah is the method of correction of our egoistic nature, thereby revealing the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal. Why was it necessary to conceal such a wisdom? Because egoism was still not yet fully developed. For example: if you compare Kabbalah to a medicine that can cure a rare disease, obviously you can’t take the medicine before you’re diagnosed with the disease, but once the disease actually manifests, you can take the medicine and be cured of it.

        It’s just like the 5 stages development of a disease within a person. First a person is healthy. Then he is sick, but he does not feel it. Then the disease spreads to the point that he starts to feel pain and symptoms of the disease. This then pushes him to go to a doctor to get diagnosed and find the cure, and etc.

        2000 years ago, egoism was still on a very low level, there was no need to correct it. Starting from the days of the Ari, egoism already grew to a certain extent (and technically the prohibition on Kabbalah ended there), but humanity still didn’t feel sick, on the contrary the ego was the main driving force of all of our development. Then from around 1995 egoism peaked and began to show itself as bad, like a cancer that begins to kill the host body. This is the peak at which there was a true need for the cure. Which in essence is what the Kabbalists have been waiting for all these years, for the desire, for egoism to fully ripen.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #327234

      How to break through Family barriers when you know your the 1 for her/he, but Light to shine through I needed a screen that wasn’t so hast-full? I can either forget, continue, or just remain single…..Until Jerusalem

      • #327290

        Hi Ben,

        I still don’t understand your question. If English is not your native tongue, you can try asking in your native language. We also have courses in many different languages, if you’re interested in learning in a different language, check out our portal site:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #327187

      But, really now maybe the 125 levels within the kli can be a divine will toward a partners hand in Marriage or not? See the mystical elements pertaining to Our love for the Upper Light of growth to expand need to be freed on this manner or Our Families just wouldn’t grow.

    • #327186

      The agony of defeat through note writings can and shall be a discernment that has 0 consequences. Anyways I thank you and always remain enlightened with the “Beit HaMiqdash”your friend, your fellow man, and patron,

      Henry Benware


Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 542 total)
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