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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 542 total)
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    • #290462

      Good day!

      Does all matter originate from the roots of the spiritual realm?

      If so, does all matter have consciousness?

      Does all matter follow the same path of descent from the spiritual to the physical?

      Does Kabbalah have wisdom of a relationship between anthropomorphism and egoism?

      Thank you all for your love, kindness and truth. Echad!

    • #290431

      So is my main goal in Kabbalah to build my desire for the light? And this happens through study and contemplation of the light?

      • #290694

        Hello, i tried to access the links you referred to, but get an error 404 not found, or took too long to respond.  Maybe the site is down?  Just having trouble accessing the links.  Thank you

        • #290735

          Hi Suzanne,

          I’m not sure, the links are working fine for me. Maybe try now. If it’s still not working, please reach out to the tech support team through the “Need Help” button on the bottom right of the screen.

          Albert @ KabU

      • #290489

        Hi Peter,

        The main goal of Kabbalah is to correct our egoistic nature in order to become similar to the Creator and reveal Him in practice. On our own, we are powerless to do anything against our own nature. So in order to make this correction, we need the force of the light. Our entire work boils down to extracting more and more of this light, which we do primarily through the Kabbalistic studies, and it does all the rest.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #290494

          Thank you

    • #290389

      How long must one practice Kabbalah to break through the barrier into the spiritual world?

      • #290390

        Hi Peter, good question!

        We learn that there is no time in spirituality. Reaching it does not depend on hours of study or acquisition of knowledge, but rather it works according to laws. One of these laws is that “there is no light without a kli (vessel)”. Meaning that if we don’t have the vessel (desire) we have nothing with which to get the light (the fulfillment for that desire).

        In other words, everything depends on us, if we build the right desire for spirituality, we will right away reveal it. If not, then even if a few more thousands of years pass by, we will still not reveal it. This is called “there is no coercion in spirituality”. Meaning if we don’t want it, we will not receive it.

        And although we spend a lot of time studying, the goal is not to acquire knowledge, but through the study to draw the light, a special force that helps us to build the right desire. Meaning that we don’t need to be super strong, wise, or talented in order to succeed in Kabbalah, all we need is to extract more and more of this light and it does all the rest.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #290350

      Great day!

      A grammatical question; as the study kabbalah is defined as a science (and study of) and one would not normally capitalize astronomy, cosmology or physics, many authoritative references to kabbalah capitalize the word. Given the absence of letter cases in Hebrew, I understand the lack of relevance.  What would be the appropriate representation in English?

      Thank you!

      • #290391

        Hi Joshua,

        I’m not an expert on grammar but it seems to me like Kabbalah is used as a proper noun, so it gets capitalized.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #290300

      Thank you Tony. This is very, very powerful. I come from a Christian background. The bible also talks about living in this world but not of this world…many of us want the world to change for things to be ok, we want G-d to intervene in our lives at every occasion, is it because we really don’t understand who we should relate to him?

      Thank you.

      • #290342

        Hi Sarah,

        I cannot comment on what they teach in religion. It’s best to keep Kabbalah and religion separated. It does not mean that you should stop being religious, but we should not mix these two things together.

        As for properly relating to the Creator, you are correct that we don’t know how to properly relate to Him. After all, we learn that “there is none else besides Him”. Meaning that all of my thoughts, my desires, all of the life events that I see, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT comes to us directly from the Creator.

        After we stabilize ourselves correctly and see everything as coming from Him, then we can continue this thought process ask “but why is He showing me this picture of the world, why is there so much bad in it, what can I actually do to change what I see”, etc?

        We’ll learn about these things more practically in the upcoming lessons, in the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman:

        There Is None Else Besides Him

        Albert @ KabU

    • #290279

      Tony says that there is no need for amulets or red strings because there is nothing to be protected from. Is this because there is no Satan or evil spirits, or because they do exist but they serve the Creator and will not really harm us?

Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 542 total)
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