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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #57211

      I posted my three questions before, but I don’t think they went through.  So here they are again:

      1.  Is the language of roots and branches the same as the language of the birds, the language of the gods, the green language etc?

      2.  Is the word “branches” in the above connected to the “The Branch” in the bible which I believe is referring to the Messiah?

      3.  I had asked if the bible was written by the same people who wrote the Kabbalah, but you have already answered that as a yes.  What about the new testament?  Who was responsible for writing that?

      Thank you for your help.

      • #57276

        Hi Sandra, great questions!

        1. No, the language of roots and branches is a type of code by which Kabbalists use words of our world to describe spiritual phenomena. Why did the Kabbalists need this special language? Because they have no other means by which to describe spirituality. There are no words or objects in spirituality, it’s a world of forces. But each of these forces have a corresponding corporeal branch in our world. So by using the names of the corresponding branch, they can point out and talk about its spiritual root.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. I’m not sure which verse you’re referring to, but in general, roots and branches are like a tree. At the source of the tree are its roots. And these roots sprout and result in branches. Likewise with us, there is a certain root to everything that happens in our world. Our world is the result of these spiritual roots. Meaning we’re in the world of results, of branches.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        3. I don’t know, I’m not an expert on religions.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #57136

      Today I was watching the different books that were written by Kabbalists, is the Bible one of them? I never heard it mentioned. I was forced into Catholicism from birth and I have a huge block to it since everyone I knew took it literally and how much it was forced onto me so I would like to know if the Bible was one of the sacred texts that have been misinterpreted. Also, the way I connect with my spirituality is through ceremony, is there a way for me to complete a ceremony that would be held valuable to the creator? In the videos, he says nothing matters but the desire but this is very hard for me to connect with to start. Thank you!

      • #57206

        Hi Maddy, great questions!

        1. Yes, the Hebrew Bible was written by Kabbalists in a special code called the language of roots and branches.  Meaning that it uses words of our world to describe spiritual phenomena.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2.  You’re right, it’s hard for us to work directly with our desires. After all, there is no button in me that I can just press and have the right desire. So we do need to use actions which help us to reach the correct desire. The main action that we have in Kabbalah is the study. Through the study, by simply aspiring to be in those higher levels of love and bestowal that we read and learn about, through that aspiration we extract from the study the light. This is a special force that gradually works on our desire and builds in us the right desire.

        So the best thing you can do for your spiritual advancement is to set aside some time to regularly return to the Kabbalistic sources, lessons, videos, books, Q/A forums, etc. Such an action of regularly returning to the source of the light will help you throughout your entire spiritual development.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56756
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Thank you Albert. Is really interesting and clearing confusion about this issue. My younger colleagues were trained at their education and were more secure and developed than I can remember in my younger age.  I have learned from them.

    • #56421
      Humberto Acto

      Very clear, thank you…

    • #56195
      Clancy Birrell

      Can you provide some advice on how to ponder the attributes of the ‘Creator’? I am struggling presently with understanding how to do this. It seems this is an important first step to moving towards presenting/embodying the attributes of the Creator within ourselves.

      • #56304

        Hi Clancy, great question!

        We can say in general that the Creator’s qualities are those of love and bestowal. But since the Creator is concealed, we cannot measure ourselves accurately relative to Him or to these abstract qualities. Instead we need to measure ourselves relative to what is not concealed, meaning other people. So I can measure if I acquired the Creator’s qualities by checking my attitude towards others, going from complete indifference, all the way until I feel them as pieces of my soul.

        Keep in mind that we do this work primarily within this safe environment, this spiritual lab that we call the Kabbalistic group. And only after we finish correcting ourselves within the Kabbalistic group, can we start focusing on the rest of the world. We’ll learn more about this in the more advanced lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56178
      Barbara Foglia

      Thanks for sharing

Viewing 6 posts - 505 through 510 (of 542 total)
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