Engage in an exploration of the week 2 lesson and materials, receiving insights from a seasoned Kabbalah mentor.

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    Engage in an exploration of the week 2 lesson and materials, receiving insights from a seasoned Kabbalah mentor.

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    • #305402
      Tracey N

      As someone who has spent many years trying to get rid of the ego, with a level of success that resulted in loss of interest in almost everything I ever enjoyed or was motivated to pursue, I was initially surprised that this isn’t part of the correction referred to in Kabbalah, as this was the only method that seemed to be available since I became aware of the Creator’s existence and began looking for answers. I thought that if I resisted my Ego, then at some point, the Creator would become evident again. This never happened of course. Are the efforts I made in this direction likely to be a problem now?

      • #305449

        Hi Tracey,

        No efforts are a problem. If previously I thought I could eliminate my ego – and I investigated the possibility to an extent – now I know from experience that I can’t eliminate the ego. Then I have no desire. The desire is all that was created. I need to take my ego through a process of correction so that it will be used in order to bestow.

    • #300136
      Purity K

      In the video, Julian says that if we suppress the ego, it will come back in another way, corrupted. Please give an example of a suppressed ego that has come back in a corrupted manner. Thank you!

      • #300349

        We don’t exactly see desires in our world. We see their manifestations. But we usually don’t see so much the relationship between the desires and their manifestations. In short, we don’t know ourselves almost at all. That’s why I can’t give precise examples of how if you break a desire, you end up with two desires, whereas you thought you’d end up with no desire. I can’t give an example because it’s not that there’s a certain example of it, but that there is no counterexample – meaning there is no situation where I can destroy one of the desires that the Upper Force has implanted in me – and this you have to check and see that it’s so. What a person can do is sort their desires, and grow the desire for spirituality. Using factors that are outside of me, outside of my desire, to amplify certain desires in me – that is possible.

    • #293873
      Bonnie A. Bus

      How do you know that the ones in the group are understanding bestowal. And where are the barriers in giving?

      • #294347

        The answer is that it does not matter if they don’t understand. If the Creator brought them to this path, they are willing to work with me enough that through them I can attain spirituality, since only my attitude towards reality is what counts.

    • #288334

      I’ve understood that kabbalists don’t talk about the state they’re in, so I’m not gonna ask about your personal state, but maybe you can talk about it in a more general way. I can’t grasp the fact that people who crossed the barrier are still living in this world, because Rav Laitman says that this world doesn’t exist in spirituality. Have all the teachers crossed the barrier? Or is it impossible to understand this with a linear mind? I can solve this riddle only by supposing that there are different versions of us, but I don’t wanna delude myself, so I’d really like to have an answer on this one. Thank you

      • #288355

        Hey Tom,

        Although it would be fun to have an answer to this question, the statement that is relevant to our advancement, and not only interesting, is that we will have to accept the fact that someone has crossed the Barrier into spirituality, that a method to do so exists, and that exists wherever we decided to study. This is the criterion for one choosing to study where one studies. So, it doesn’t matter whatsoever if anyone admits that they’ve themselves reached spirituality since that admission would already require your belief in that person. And that belief is utterly irrelevant in that it is not important for your advancement to spirituality. Because that would hinge your advancement on the belief in some fool such as myself, while I anticipate your advancement to hinge on the greatness of the Kabbalists, Baal HaSulam and Rabash. I can assure you that they attained spirituality. If one more person will attest. what does that give you? That gives you nothing. Check with yourself and see that it is so.

    • #287969

      So, if I understand the Kabbalist correctly…..”God” is a personal perspective. If you believe “God” exist then he/she exists. If you don’t then he/she doesn’t exist.

      If I understood the video correctly that God is a perspective……then…what are we doing all of this studying for? To expand our egos?

      Again, if I am correct with my synopsis…..we have too much time on our hands. Instead of being and doing we’re thinking and creating nothingness for entertainment?

      So, what’s the “truth”? Perception? The universe is whatever I believe it to be?

      Well, that sucks!

      • #288034

        Hi Beverly,
        <p style=”text-align: center;”>The Creator or God is the force of bestowal that governs and manages our corporeal world. In order to attain the purpose of creation, being to fulfill the created beings, we must become similar to this force, God, through equivalence of form.  We do this in the right environment under the right guidance according to very specific principles. And although we do need to understand our nature, being to what extent I am controlled by the will to receive, the ego, this is only in order to push us to the state where we will desire a new nature, being the quality of bestowal.</p>

    • #285659

      Did Blake ask the right question? This poem has haunted me since grade school in the 60’s in central Pennsylvania. Now it seems to me, Kabbalah has framed it properly. How do you feel about it? Does it frame the lesson poetically?

      Tyger, by William Blake

      Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
      In the forests of the night;
      What immortal hand or eye,
      Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

      In what distant deeps or skies.
      Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
      On what wings dare he aspire?
      What the hand, dare seize the fire?

      And what shoulder, & what art,
      Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
      And when thy heart began to beat,
      What dread hand? & what dread feet?

      What the hammer? what the chain,
      In what furnace was thy brain?
      What the anvil? what dread grasp,
      Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

      When the stars threw down their spears
      And water’d heaven with their tears:
      Did he smile his work to see?
      Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

      Tyger Tyger burning bright,
      In the forests of the night:
      What immortal hand or eye,
      Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

      • #285689

        The right question is, “What is the meaning of my life? Why have I wasted it? Why did I waste my whole life on questions that don’t matter one bit? How is it that my will to receive is thus leading me to my grave, and I will die without attaining the purpose of my existence and be born again to answer this question if I don’t, in this lifetime, arrive at the right answer?”

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