Engage in an exploration of the week 2 lesson and materials, receiving insights from a seasoned Kabbalah mentor.

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    Engage in an exploration of the week 2 lesson and materials, receiving insights from a seasoned Kabbalah mentor.

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    • #183700

      For what i undestood, this Kabbalistic Lab, is the only means to correct our ego into an intention proper for the light, right?

      • #183701

        Yes, I need a fixed and a neutral background against which to work, so that I can measure whether I’m reaching the desired goal or not.

    • #127818

      Greetings. How many shattering events have there been so far in our traditional history? The shattering of Adam HaRishon predates this material world, and then the shattering of Abraham’s Path of Light evolutionary track in 1995–the first is not considered “the Fall” and the latest is described that way as Abrahamic Path of Light contingent fell below the machsom and their shattered state/content is entirely mixed with that of the shattered state/content of the All the Nations Path of Pain evolutionary track. And what was 1995 like for the first contingent as they could no longer perceive the Upper Worlds? Like getting your Internet access cut off for the rest of us today, only worse because you have to repair/restore your own service (and everybody’s  before yours)? Or did they even lose the memory of having once had that contact due to the shattering?

      • #127823

        Hi Mike,

        There are two Shatterings, and they both occur in the Upper World: the Shattering of the World of Nikudim, and the Shattering of the Soul of Adam HaRishon. Everything in our world is the long-term unfoldment and outer expression of this shattering. It’s a shattering in the connection between the parts of the soul of Adam, and that’s why our world is simply all kinds of expressions of bad connection between people, who are the most internal part of the reality, and thus our broken connection negatively impacts the rest of reality. And our good connection can heal all of reality, and reveal all the Upper Worlds in it.

    • #61176

      I listened to Dr Laitman answer a question about if the creator exists and he says No!

      i am confused. does the creator exists or he doesnt?

      • #126299

        No, nothing exists that you don’t reveal in your senses. And one doesn’t get to be born with senses in which the Creator can be revealed. He has to develop them, or rather he has to carry out actions that evoke the evolutionary force in Nature, which has the power to develop them.

    • #61158
      Ed Mereoară

      When I am ready to work in a group (lab group) ?

      • #284912
        Yvon Decelles

        Ahhhh, so we are becoming a/the/like creator?

        doesn’t that mean the death of “me” and the birth of “we”?

        And doesn’t that mean this is a unity consciousness awakening then?

        i think this is a rabbit hole….

        • #285088

          Yes, the destiny of everyone is to become similar to the Creator – instead of aiming to receive in every move, aiming to bestow with every move.

          It doesn’t mean the death of me nor that we all awaken at once. Rather there is an order to the correction of Creation. These have to be corrected, then those have to be, so that another layer can awaken. We don’t know to which layer we belong. All we can be sure of is that if I awakened it means it’s my time to be corrected. It means now I have a chance, whereas before, it did not occur to me, and so there was no hope for correction in this lifetime.

      • #126300

        Hi Ed. It’s when you know that you’ve found the place and the method you want to reach the spiritual goal with. Because the group is by definition a place where all who are there have decided that this is the path for them and they’re going to use the group to reach specifically this goal as defined by a certain teacher. So, first one has to learn what that method is and see if it’s for him, or if perhaps a different method would be better. Since the spiritual world and the way to get there is concealed from him, he necessarily must choose one method and follow it all the way.

    • #58706

      Habits are very strong, built over a life time. Egoistic by nature. How do we overcome, considering we are against all odds? And feeling the enormous gap between the spiritual Upper Force and my worldly, corporeal  life. Yet opposites attract each other, they say. It results in a feeling being faced with the dilemma of “to be or not to be” while time waits for no one. It is now or never.

      Is the only antidote to  this feeling being patient? And meanwhile study, engage in a group which is instructed by a teacher? Or…


      • #59625

        You don’t need to overcome your habits. It’s also a question whether anything you’re doing is wrong. The only thing you need is the study that draws the Reforming Light. It can make all the needed changes. A person stands no chance of changing himself, and moreover he doesn’t know what he should change. Only the intention needs to change from reception to bestowal, and only the Light can make this change for us.

    • #58383
      Mira Brooks


      I’ve been thinking about the point in humanity where recently spiritual desires have begun to emerge in the late nineties and how we are moving towards greater interconnection which will force us to eventually change. Through this, we will begin to understand our connection with others. We will all reach the stages of spiritual connection.

      Is it inevitable that the change will come? If it is inevitable that change will come, do Kabbalists consider it important to speed up the process by disseminating information widely? It does sadden me to think of the path of suffering, thinking of so many that are affected. It is certainly a hope to have a peaceful and more unified world.

      • #59626

        Of course it’s best that the change comes more quickly and qualitatively. Like the difference between feeling the father’s belt lashing vs. feeling the sting of realization that you stand in violation of the house rules, after which you instantly straighten up and correct yourself, avoiding the blow entirely. We stand in violation of the laws of Nature. Meaning we reside in a state of disconnection, in which we will feel increasing darkness, as the integral force of bestowal and love nears us. That force, we feel as bad if we are not adapted to it, in the attitudes between us. If humanity would undergo even slight changes, to be just a bit more connected, all the problems would disappear overnight. That’s why it’s worthwhile to first absorb the correction yourself and then to also share it with others, which is why KabU exists.

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