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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #338008

      I have heard in your guys’ videos several times that Kabbalah does not involve meditation. But how else am I going to hear from the Light if not in silence? When I sit in silence to listen, I get all kinds of insight about answers that I need and behaviours I need to correct. If not via silent reflection, how do Kabbalah students communicate with the Creator?

      • #338226


        The Creator is dressed in all of reality and if it is helpful for you to sit in silence, so you should do it.

        If you are learning the materials here from lesson to lesson and investing effort into them, then you’ll already start to calibrate your inner life to the reality that the Kabbalists describe.
        We don’t have any vessels to feel the Creator Himself, we currently have the body’s vessels of perception. But through learning and feeling the nature of the matter that the Creator created and seeing and feeling how reality is operating according to the structures that the Kabbalists depict, we begin to come closer to those  qualities of the Creator.

      • #338137

        Is anybody going to answer my question ever? Are you guys not responding  because I was offensive or inappropriate? This is the second time a question of mine has not been answering, so I have to wonder what the problem is.

    • #333741
      Esther Benzaquen

      In religion (Judaism), they explain that there are decrees that we cannot change, but others can through actions and prayers. Kabbalah’s view is that we cannot change anything. Can that lead to apathy?

      • #358278
        Leyah Lynette Evol

        Hey Esther, I think Kabbalah teaches we can Change ourselves (that’s the inner work) because we live in a world of cause and effect … Outcomes.  What is out of our control we can make Peace with, perhaps learn to be compassionate towards ourselves for those things we can’t control.  I came up with mantra which I repeat to myself whenever I need it:

        “I have no control over another’s words, choices, or actions, only my own”.

        Every experience comes to teach.

      • #333790

        You are twisting around concepts and not really understanding what the texts are referring to.
        You are currently in an endless field of light and fulfillment.
        You don’t feel it at all.  So you will not change that the you are in an endless field of light and fulfillment.  That is what the Creator created.  All of our work, and first of all we need to stabilize ourselves in reality and understand where we actually are, what senses we currently have, how they operate, what our goal is, what is the delta between where we are today and where we want to be and by what natural laws, etc can this giant sea be crossed.
        That is our study.  The friends that I know on the path for years and decades are anything but apathetic.
        Maybe you can reword your question so I can understand what you are asking.

    • #333224

      I have a question. What happens when a person prays so much that it leads him to annul himself for spirituality?

    • #331987

      Wow, no question but a comment:  The lesson of difference between Kabbalah and religion was great! What a great explanation of the difference.  Thank you for that and also this lesson brings the saying: The truth will set you free into a whole new light, how freeing it is indeed!  Kind of makes one wonder how it was possible to stay on such an infantile level of spirituality (religion) for so long.  Thank you for giving us the tools to speed along in our development!

    • #330878

      blessed be HE. The more I know/feel in my heart the more I cant get enough.

    • #330786
      Varda kahalany

      That was an amazing explanation of the differences between religion and Kabbalah. Thank you for this 🙂

      Now, after this video, I am even more confused of why the religion, especially the Judaism (since most of the great Kabbalists came from this religion) does not include more such explanations in order to avoid situations where a religious person is so much immersed in his corporeal interpretation of the Torah’s writing that totally forgets or more precisely, ignores the quality of bestowal of the creator, up to a point that he fully believes that anyone who do not observe the commandments the way the halacha teaches them, is a person that has a negative influence on others , ‘spoils’ the environment and causes for negative things to happen. There are entire religious communities that would not let anyone from the outside to mix up with them because of this reason. Their Rabbis (who suppose to know Kabbalah) are encouraging this, and do not raise up to embrace unity instead of division. In our days, I see more and more families , friends, groups of people , divided over ‘degree of religiousness’ and it is so frustrating that their Rabbis letting it continue, some even encouraging it by making statements and promissing people that if they start practicing religion things in their lives will get better.  One more thing that makes me wonder –  if religion does not change the person , do they have to come back again into this life until they slowly start developing their point in the heart and start ascending on the ‘sulam’ ????  Why the Kabbalah was hidden for so long – this period gave rise to a religious fanaticism that brought unspeakable suffering and division. What good came out of it ?

      • #330818

        If you take dirt and mix it with water and develop it for billions of years and burn it and stretch it and compress it and break it until it becomes vegetative life and then keep developing it until it becomes an animal and keep developing it until it becomes a person and now raise that person to the degree of attainment of the Creator, so that is a complex process.
        Religion is a particular stop along the way to the goal of uniting humanity that is a vessel in which the light of the Creator will dwell.
        So I’m not suprised that people who are more primitive in their desires adhere to customs and culture that they feel connects them to something.
        The quesiton for you to ask is what is in our hands to do now that our point in the heart awakened and we start to feel that there is more to life than what religion shows me.

        • #333121

          Actually, many Jewish rabbis, particularly Chabad, state the same ideas but in the form of commandments, i.e. tasks to be performed and goals to be achieved.  But they do not explain why or how to achieve them.  And so, the process becomes mechanical, which in my humble opinion defeats the purpose.  I have been struggling with this for years and now I am finding a lot of answers in Kabbalah.

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