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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #321352

      In this video Tony said we can’t bribe the upper force in prayer. Thats what religions try to do etc. i actually agree but how can we explain the event when Abraham bribed the upper force in sodom and gemorah, for G-d not to destroy it if he can find 50-10 righteous people?


      • #321358

        If you want to jump straight to the literal, then you also need to ask about the bush that spoke and the sea that parted and the snake that talked, so let’s start to understand what we’re talking about first, what is this book called Torah and then we’ll have the correct approach to these questions.

        Check out this blog post by our teacher, the kabbalist Michael Laitman.  I think you’ll get a lot from it.

        VaYera (The Lord Appeared) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


        • #321396
          Zealot Mines

          Thanks for the share of this blog post.. it shades more on the lesson.  A whole lots of new concepts here..  In regards to.. “that which you hate, do not do to your neighbor”  “let mine be mine; let yours be yours.”
          Could you give an example on how I can apply or relate to it..  The far I have learned is that, it’s not related to any corporeal action.. meaning it on my thoughts and intentions?

          Does it eventually reflect to how I treat….  say my colleagues at work, family? Coz if I think and intend to do good.. some how I cannot do the opposite…

        • #321455

          Zealot Mines,
          All of the practical work that we will learn we will do together with the others in the kabbalistic group, who are working on the same goal, following the same method.
          Later as we develop new qualiites and abilities, we will learn how to expand this to more and more outer circles.
          In the meantime, be a good person in the world.  Try this and that.  Just not to be confused.  The spiritual work that we do at first is specifically within the kabbalistic group.

    • #321050
      M H

      Every once in a while we meet someone who radiates peace.  I have always wanted to be like them. This weeks lesson is a giant step for me.  It all rings true.  Thank you

      • #321375

        Hi, that article was great indeed.

        Yes, i just recently watched the Adam and Eve video with Gil Shir, and how its not what we think, but talking about “forces in us” and i also enjoyed the article “Did the deluge actually happen”

        it just seemed that the bush and snake etc. is a little different then a simple conversation with Abraham and the creator. I do remember Dr, Laitman saying that these people in the Torah actually existed.  (Moses, Abraham etc.)  I was just trying to differentiate or understand it more. So, if some of the people actually did exist, how do we know what was literal, im already passed the stage of a talking snake, red devil with horns etc.


      • #321373

        Hi, that article was great indeed.

         Yes, i just recently watched the Adam and Eve video with Gil Shir, and how its not what we think, but talking about “forces in us” and i also enjoyed the article “Did the deluge actually happen” 

        it just seemed that the bush and snake etc. is a little different then a simple conversation with Abraham and the creator. I do remember Dr, Laitman saying that these people in the Torah actually existed.  (Moses, Abraham etc.)  I was just trying to differentiate or understand it more. So, if some of the people actually did exist, how do we know what was literal, im already passed the stage of a talking snake, red devil with horns etc.  


        • #321380

          On the one hand we do interpret it on the literal level, but also many other levels.
          You know in our normal life, as we grow up, the books we read change, at 5 we read a certain kind of book, at 15 a different book and at 25 a different kind of book.
          In the wisdom of kabbalah, it’s different.  Here, the book stays the same, but we change and according to our development in relation to our soul, the book changes.

          Regarding your original question about Abraham.  It’s helpful to remember that the Creator doesn’t change.  He is eternal.  All of the negotiating with the Creator is about the changes that take place in the person, how much a person desires to want to be like the Creator. The process that Abraham goes through in Sodom and Gomorrah  is scrutinizing between the force of the left and the force of the right.
          The binding of Issac, meaning preventing the left line from being used.  The sending away of Hagar and Ishmael, meaning sending out the part of the right that cannot join the left.  Since everything is created for a reason, we need to even use things that appear to be the worst possible and turn them into good depending on how we relate to them.  This process of negotiation is about Abraham making inner scrutinies about what he can work with and what he desires as he develops towards bringing the quality of Bina into the world and the complex process of Bina mixing with Malchut.

        • #321411

          thank you Seth

    • #320953

      Since I started studying the Kabbalah I am finding a conflict with my Christian religion that is causing me to find my belief unhelpful, especially with the belief in the Trinity. I find it impossible to say the creed. or any prayers that mention Jesus, the Holy Spirit or three persons in one God. I am also worried that my participation in Christian belief cause the creator pain/offence. other Christians may find no conflict. but because I do should I put aside my Christian Religion and concentrate on the Kabalah alone.

      • #321164


        This is  something you will have to decide yourself.

        We are learning together the science of the soul. We have people from all backgrounds who come to study.
        If your family has traditions and a culture, there is no problem to keep it.
        Of course religions have their own interpretation of the texts.
        We are following the kabbalists who attained the degrees that we want to achieve.

        The Creator cares about our hearts. If you sit with your family in church because it is important to them and your community there is not a problem.

        • #321702

          Just to clarify, we can participate in the traditions and visit the churches to be in unity with our families, but we can’t believe in the idolatry…correct?

        • #327805

          You can do whatever you want.
          The kabbalists are giving advises for those who want to follow the path that they have traversed before us.
          There is no problem, in fact it is good to have a healthy, warm family and in all families there are different interests and beliefs.  Why is there a problem sitting with your family for an event that they hold dear to them?  There is no problem.
          Concerning idolatry, anything that we feel has power besides the Creator is referred to idolatry in the wisdom of kabbalah.
          If you feel it is the police officer pulling you over and not the Creator, that is also idolatry, but let’s not get confused now, we are just beginning.

    • #320776

      The goal is to be in Equivalence of form with the Creator. I wish to ask, what is this “Form?

      • #321163


        The matter of creation is the will to receive pleasure.
        The form it will take after it is corrected is to receive (it must), but it receives in order to give contentment to the Giver (instead of receiving for self-benefit).


    • #319177

      Is it normal for the process to feel isolating and lonely sometimes?  When I let go of trying to “fix” my problems and the problems of others and the world, I struggle to connect with my friends and family, I mean of course I am connected and part of my family, but I sometimes think we are on very different wave-lengths.  I find it difficult to keep the spot-light shining on the internal and the willingness to be corrected , when I can often be overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the world around me.

      As we progress, and my perception is beginning to change, does the light of the creator get stronger? I sometimes feel like I slip back into old attitudes and behaviour.

      • #319768


        It’s ok. We go through many changing states as we are advancing.  The room that I thought was so clean…when more light shines I see dust in the corners that I didn’t even notice before.

        Most important is to be connected with the other students and help each other to stay inspired. We have songs on our site and videos.
        Soon you’ll have the opportunity to meet and work practically with the other students.

    • #319068
      Ann Stephens

      Tony stated in the lesson that the same action performed in religious context (goal of externality) can be performed with the goal of internality instead and this will result in a completely different experience. Is this to say that an action (such as observing Shabbat) that might be done in a religious context – with the goal of appealing to God – can be done instead with the goal of changing myself – and that this would change the outcome or result of the exact same action?

      • #319149

        Sure, you can observe Shabbat if you want.  In the past the sages sacrificed animals on the alter in the Temple in Jerusalem.
        In our generation the work is internal.  In previous generations when the aviut of the soul was much more refined,  a person could attain connection by the actions themselves.  Today the corrections come from the changing of our heart.

        • #328334
          Jarrett Twaddle

          Ann, thank you for asking what I was thinking.
          Seth, I have to ask something as a follow-up to your response to Ann’s question, but please bear with me as I make a statement first.
          I have heard that there is significance in the days of the week as well as dates of the month and throughout the year. I recognize that there is a difference between religion and Kabbalah, but ddespite being a Noahide, I recently fasted for Tisha B’Av and attempted to observe Shabbat (short of attending Synagogue as I live far from one). I later read several Chabad articles from many different Rabbis that such actions, especially concerning Shabbat, specifically to having a complete, 25-hour day of rest, was a grave sin, as I am not of the covenant of Moses. I read that with the right intention I could do a few things as a Noahide, but I certainly do not want to participate in cultural appropriation if it offends anyone. I accept that Kabbalah has been opened to the whole of the world, of which I am grateful to be a part of in my small way, and I know that we’re supposed to limit our inquiry into religious matters, but I have to ask.
          In what way(s) may I or may I not observe Shabbat?

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