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    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #365625

      I learnt That we are correcorrecting by the path of light or by the path of the pain. My question is, what is the difference betwen this paths, If both of The paths leads-us from tthe correction?

      • #365662

        Hi João Chico,

        The path of light means that we develop consciously under the influence of the light.

        Whereas the path of suffering is an inactive form of development, where we wait for sufferings to accumulate until we start to move. It’s like a child that refuses to go to school, so the parents put more and more pressures on him until he agrees to go.

        Keep in mind that we don’t really advance on the path of suffering. Since pressuring and punishing a child is not the same as educating him. So after all of the pressures and punishments they put on him, he will still have to go to school and get his education.

        Check out these blog posts from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #364804

      Video: Force of Development

      What is in this lesson?

      “……. completing many lifetimes of progress in a single day, while at the same time freeing ourselves from our egoistic inborn nature.”

      We cannot do that ourself.

      Yehuda Ashlag:

      “Yehuda Ashlag There is none else besides Him:
      Then he comes to the decision that no one can help him but the Creator Himself. This causes him to make a heartfelt demand that the Creator will open his eyes and heart, and truly bring him nearer to eternal adhesion with God. It thus follows, that all the rejections he had experienced had come from the Creator.”

      Why stating that: “freeing ourselves from our egoistic inborn nature???.” I will always be The Creature and only The Creator can cure me from my evil inclination.

      • #364909

        Hi Ron,

        You’re right, we will always be the creature. But through the process of correcting our egoistic nature, we will reach adhesion with the Creator. Meaning that we wont become Him, we will be separate from Him, and yet connected with Him on a very deep level.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        As for freedom, we’re currently enslaved to our egoistic nature. Everything we choose, consciously or unconsciously stems from this nature. If we want to reach freedom, we need to come out of this nature. We’ll learn how to do that in semester 2, lesson 2.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #364803

      Video: The Path of Light

      “And this screen or Masach, this is the tool. This is the way in wich
      we can turn the will to receive,wich is our matter and the
      only tool that we have to work with, into something very different”

      Yehuda Ashlag There is none else besides Him:
      “Then he comes to the decision that no one can help him but the Creator Himself. This causes him to make a heartfelt demand that the Creator will open his eyes and heart, and truly bring him nearer to eternal adhesion with God. It thus follows, that all the rejections he had experienced had come from the Creator.”

      I can place this intention,bestowal over my desires but it
      will not help me. It only makes me, the ego realise that
      I cannot receive to bestow,my nature is receiving.

      The Masach will give me the realisation of blow after blow till the ego
      is knocked down.

      “This causes him to make a heartfelt demand (at that knock-out point) that the Creator will open his eyes and heart, and truly bring him nearer to eternal adhesion with God. It thus follows, that all the rejections he had experienced had come from the Creator.”

    • #364278
      Ryan Hainworth

      I believe by progressing through my studies things will fall into place and become clearer,  great lessons i appreciate you all.

    • #364023

      Many thanks to Tony Kosinec and the entire KABU team for sharing great lessons.

      My question;

      Did man descend  through the 125 levels because of his(male/female) sins? OR was it in the original plan of the Creator for man to descend into the corporal world by which he(male/female) will be developed?

      The Bible records that man ate a forbidden fruit at the center of the garden of Eden planted by the “Creator”. Does this expression has any deeper/ hidden meaning in Kabbalah?

      Summary of questions; Is man’s descend through the 125 levels and current struggle to ascend back up a punishment for the sins of his wrong desires or a path to development originally designed by his creator?

      Thank you once again.








      • #364272

        Hi Christian,

        The descent is pre-planned in the thought of creation in order to help us to further grow and develop. It’s similar to how we help our kids to grow. We don’t just give them a completed jigsaw puzzle. Rather we take it and break it down into many pieces. Then in the process of them putting it all together, they grow and develop.

        If you’re interesting in learning how to properly decipher the stories in the Torah, check out the books: Disclosing a Portion or The Secrets of the Eternal Book.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #363692

      is” the law of equivalence” a made-up term by Kabbalist? if not, can you provide references?

      we are not creator, we are creature, how can we even be equivalence to the creator? how is it possible to change from total receiving to bestowal if we are wired to be so?  sounds like maybe by practicing what Jesus taught us: love your neighbors, but I thought we are incapable of doing so by nature, we try as hard as we could, but we are not 100% capable? are we supposed to not think about our own needs/feelings at all but always put others the first? the Creator is capable of doing so, of course due to the willingness but also due to capability right? the Created has unlimited power, wisdom but we do NOT.

      I guess I am just confused on how it’s possible to be at any level of equivalence to the Creator.

      • #364700

        Thank you Albert for your answer and recommendation.

      • #363925

        Hi Helen,

        Here’s a blog post from Rav Laitman about the law of equivalence of form:

        We can see an example of this law in radio receivers. That when we tune the internal frequency of the radio receiver to match the frequency of the external radio wave, then we can pick up that wave and hear it. Likewise in our spiritual work, when we become similar to the Creator, we can reveal Him in practice. This is essentially all of our work, to become more and more similar to Him, to His qualities of love and bestowal. All the way until we reach complete adhesion with Him.

        And you’re right that this work is against our nature. Meaning that we cannot just invert our own nature. We need help to reach this change. This is why all that is demanded of us and all that we’re capable of doing really is just to aspire to be like Him. Even if that aspiration is not real, even if it’s just playing pretend, still, when we play such a game, especially in the Kabbalistic group and during the Kabbalistic studies, this attracts the force of the light. The light then gradually works on us and makes this game real.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        If you have the time, I also recommend reading through the article A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar, where Baal HaSulam talks in detail about the law of equivalence of form.

        Albert @ KabU

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