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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 346 total)
  • Author
    • #370785
      Shaun Nortje

      How can I encourage or grow the spark in the heart in order to correct my desires to have Tikkun for Adam Harishon.

      • #370797

        Hi Shaun,

        Our desire for spirituality is like a seed. If we plant it in fertile ground, then it’ll get all the right nutrients and grow. If we put it in the desert or just keep it on a shelf somewhere, nothing will come out of it at all. So all of our work boils down to finding the best spiritual environment in which to plant that seed. And what will ultimately happen to that seed is a result of the environment we put it into. We’ll learn more about this in the next semester, when we study the topic of freedom.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #369081
      Calvin D. Scott

      “All forms in the higher world are meticulously copied in both quality and quantity to the lower worlds.”

      Does this indicate/mean that there are 4 copies of Calvin (root of soul) in Atziluth, Beriah, Yetzirah, Assiah? Or just Yetzirah, the world of formation? ( I.e. outside the collective world). Are these copies Originals, Copies/etc that are more completeness/developed? Are these copies connected to be accessible/be attained (learned from/guided to the Upper worlds while on the path of Light through corrective qualities)?  Due we raise/grow to these roots (Calvin copies) until we reach the collective soul?

      • #369221

        Hi Calvin,

        You can say that reality exists in the form of a hologram, where a part of me is found within everyone else. This is why a big part of our work is to reconnect all of reality back into one. By that we reveal ourselves on a higher level. It’s almost like seeing ourselves as a cell within the body vs seeing ourselves as the whole body.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #369062

      Grateful for three weeks of fascinating information from KabU, at the end I am overwhelmed by the questions:

      Why did the omnipotence create us to be ego based in need of correction for  eons?

      Why not create in us the love of bestowal in the first place?


      • #369219

        Hi Janice,

        We were indeed created in the state of perfection, in complete adhesion with the Creator. (Baal HaSulam describes this in the article Introduction to the book of Zohar). But this was an unconscious state, like a baby in its mother’s womb. So we necessarily had to come to the complete opposite state, to lose that state of perfection, in order to once again reach it, but this time consciously.

        And the fact that we had to lose this state is not something bad, but it’s a necessary part of our development. It’s just like with kids. We don’t just give them a completed jigsaw puzzle. On the contrary we take it and break it down into many pieces. Then in the process of them putting it together, they grow and develop. Same with us, this process of losing that state is a necessary part of our further growth and development.

        This process also adds to us a certain level of freedom, without which, we would be no different than machines, or robots, that were programmed to act a certain way and they just carry out this inner script. Instead, we were programmed one way, and we rise above this inner programming, become independent of it, and then develop our own desire to advance towards this goal.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #368903

      If there is no such thing as good or bad, what is the correction? Why does it need to be corrected? Why would intentions matter?

      • #368996

        Hi Calvin, great questions!

        Good and bad disappear on very high spiritual degrees. If we have not yet attained those spiritual degrees, we cannot just take it as a fact and start building our reality around that. Until then, good and bad do exist.

        Good means becoming similar to the Creator, adhering to Him, to His qualities of love and bestowal. Bad means falling back into our egoistic nature which disconnects us from the Creator.

        The correction is to correct our egoistic nature.

        Why do we need to correct our egoistic nature? Because it makes us opposite from the Creator. As a result of becoming opposite to Him, we become separated from Him. This follows the law of equivalence of form.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Why does the intention matter? Since our very nature is the desire to receive, we cannot truly bestow like the Creator. The best that we can do is to receive with the intention to bestow. Even though the action is still one of reception, the intention to bestow converts that action so that it would actually be considered bestowal.

        Check out the Guest & Host Analogy from Chapter 3 of Attaining the Worlds Beyond for more details.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #368682

      Thank you. The correction is corrected in all its parts of the one will to receive and the connection is reestablished between all points. This gives me hope and spurs me on. Thank you. Thank the Creator for the beauty and love of all.

    • #368663

      I Did not have any questions but due to reading the great questions and awesome answers really helped me take all this in. thank you all.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 346 total)
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