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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 297 total)
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    • #293065
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      In the lesson , ,,,When that special desire enters the heart from the spiritual, which is qualities of the will to bestow, it changes everything within the human heart. This heart is still filled with desires that come from the physical world,

      thank You, please i wont broad elaboration reading material about the lesson , can i get trough my email ?

    • #292841

      I have learnt so much, thanks to you.

    • #291752

      I was reading in Kabbalah Revealed that “Minerals exist so that plants can feed on them and grow; plants exist so animals can feed on them and grow; minerals, plants, and animals exist so humans can feed on them and grow” (p. 87). But Michael Laitman is also teaching that this is the reverse order of the fall, in which humans existed before animals, which existed before plants, which existed before minerals. How was this possible? He just said that humans cannot exist without animals, plants and minerals. Animals can’t exist without plants. Plants cannot exist without minerals. Do you see what I’m saying? By this logic, it would seem impossible that there could be a descent in reverse order when the things it needs to survive did not yet exist. Can you help me make sense of all this?

      • #291753

        Hi Dale,

        The order of development goes from the still, to the vegetative, to the animate, and in the end to the speaking (human) levels. This same order of development takes place both in our world and in the spiritual world. So I’m not sure where you read/heard otherwise. Maybe you can share a link to the source so I can comment on it.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #291623

      What intention creates the screen?

    • #291408


      This is so powerful! I think my mind started opening now, wow!


    • #291339
      Maria Memoli

      The Path of Light explanation, completely changes my way to see my behaviours, especially those that put myself in connection or disconnection to others.

      My understanding is that Consciousness is the super power to activate the mitzva in every situation of suffering. The suffering comes from a condition where one of our qualities need a correction.

      Is the simple state of suffering that should makes us be conscious about the necessity to put in place a mitzva?

      • #291424

        Hi Maria,

        Yes, you can say that suffering is a sign that we need correction. Just keep in mind that the corrections that we are learning about are internal. We perform such corrections through the “Torah and Mitzvot”.

        Torah comes from the Hebrew word ohr (light). So when Kabbalists use the word Torah, they are not referring to the physical book, but rather to the light. This is a special force that we can extract, especially through the Kabbalistic studies, in order to correct our egoistic nature.

        And when Kabbalists use the word Mitzvot (plural of Mitzvah) they are not referring to corporeal Mitzvot that a religious person performs with his hands and feet. But rather the Mitzvot are the internal processes by which we draw the light and correct the egoistic desires.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Keep in mind that although these are internal corrections, they don’t cancel out the things we need to do externally in order to take care of ourselves in the normal way. So if I’m hurt, I still need to go to the doctor, take some medicine, etc. Externally, we all need to arrange our lives and take care of all of our problems in the normal way.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #291433
          Maria Memoli

          Thank you Albert to point out that the correction must be internal and I like to see those corrections as the  Creator’s orders, commandments. It feels like Someone taking care of me.

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 297 total)
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