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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 121 total)
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    • #57141
      Ty Palodichuk

      I feel I’m pretty far along and dont know where to go from here.

      • #57202

        Hi Ty,

        The next course in this series is Kabbalah in Action. You should have already received the details by email on how to register to it. If not, you can contact the support team through the “need help” button on the bottom right, or by emailing [email protected]

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56906
      Mira Brooks

      Hi Albert,

      The readings were very interesting – especially understanding the deeper meanings of the biblical text. I am curious, though I know we are not at this part yet. Does the hidden system of Kabbalistic language of roots and branches apply only to the Torah, or to other parts of the Bible? For example, the exile and rebuilding of the second temple, etc.

      If the hidden system of Kabbalistic language of roots and branches are applied, does this mean that the text is all allegorical? Or is there room for elements of historicity to be involved?

      • #56913

        Hi Mira,

        All the Kabbalistic books, including the Tanakh, Talmud, Zohar, etc are written in the language of roots and branches, meaning it uses words of our world to describe spiritual phenomena. So none of it is literal. On the other hand there is a law that the spiritual root must touch the corporeal branch at least once. Meaning although these are spiritual phenomena, they must have a corresponding corporeal branch in our world.

        For example, Egypt represents the uncorrected egoistic desire while Israel represents the corrected desire, those are the roots. But in our world these things exist as branches as well. There is actually a physical place that is called Egypt and Israel. Still, despite all the above, the Torah is not a history book, not a single word of the Torah speaks about our world.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56904
      tefo bogosi

      Douglas and Marion thank you for the questions you posed pertaining to receiving in order to bestow. Albert thank you for the answers, they have been most helpful to me.

    • #56858

      Hi Albert,

      In A Guide To The Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah, Dr. Laitman writes, “Today we are already climbing up the ladder. re-exposing the Reshimot of our desires even if we’re unaware of it.” I’m confused. Are, we, new students of Kabbalah, already climbing the ladder? I thought that wouldn’t happen for some time still. Thank you

      • #56881

        Hi Miryam,

        I agree, the wording is confusing. I would say “today we are already starting the process of climbing up the ladder”. But you’re right, we’re not yet climbing the ladder of spiritual degrees, we’re still in the “preparation period” prior to the spiritual ladder.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56753

      I read the interpretation of the story of Genesis regarding Adam and Eve and I have a question:

      According to the Torah, the Creator asked Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree of knowledge. However, the snake (ego) proposed the opposite. Is that an opposite force/will from the Creator’s? How is this possible while the main principle of Kabbalah is that the only force in the universe is the Creator’s?

      Thank You

      • #56836

        Hi George,

        Yes, you can say that this too was part of the Creator’s will. In other words, the shattering of this system that is called Adam HaRishon was pre-programmed in the thought and purpose of Creation. Meaning that it’s not something bad that happened, but rather a necessary part of our further growth and development. It’s just like with kids. We don’t just give them a completed jigsaw puzzle. On the contrary we take it and break it down into many pieces. Then in the process of them putting it together, they grow and develop. It’s the same with us. Putting together the shattered soul is the process by which we grow spiritually.

        For more details on how Kabbalah relates to the stories in the Torah, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman:

        As well as these books: Disclosing a Portion or The Secrets of the Eternal Book.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56715

      From : a guide to the hidden wisdom page 76 (this weeks recommended reading):

      “Asking to be more spiritual is called: “raising MAN”. Raising MAN is also called a prayer. ”

      Is this another way of saying : gaining more knowledge (Daath), attracting more light, i. e. next level?

      Could you clarify this more? Thanks.

      • #56830

        Hi Paul,

        It’s not about knowledge, rather it’s the process by which we grow towards our next degree of development. In order to develop to the next spiritual degree, we need to picture it and play it. This is similar to how kids grow and develop. They imagine what it’s like to be an adult, a fireman, a doctor, a builder, etc. Then they play out these things. By that they grow and develop. Same with us, by picturing these higher degree of bestowal and playing them, we attract the light to help us to develop to those degrees. This is the process by which we activate this prayer.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 121 total)
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