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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #56715

      From : a guide to the hidden wisdom page 76 (this weeks recommended reading):

      “Asking to be more spiritual is called: “raising MAN”. Raising MAN is also called a prayer. ”

      Is this another way of saying : gaining more knowledge (Daath), attracting more light, i. e. next level?

      Could you clarify this more? Thanks.

      • #56830

        Hi Paul,

        It’s not about knowledge, rather it’s the process by which we grow towards our next degree of development. In order to develop to the next spiritual degree, we need to picture it and play it. This is similar to how kids grow and develop. They imagine what it’s like to be an adult, a fireman, a doctor, a builder, etc. Then they play out these things. By that they grow and develop. Same with us, by picturing these higher degree of bestowal and playing them, we attract the light to help us to develop to those degrees. This is the process by which we activate this prayer.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #56498

      It is not about ridding ourselves of the will of the landlord(because we can’t), but to use the will of the landlord for the opposite purpose of its original intent. Receiving altruistically vs Receiving only for myself.
      am I on the right track with this?

      Also, does the creator receive by bestowing to us creatures? If he has a desire to bestow to us, when we receive this light of bestowal on us, does he feel pleasure due to his desire being fulfilled? I feel like the answer is no, but I am not sure how it is incorrect. Thank you 🙂

      • #56511

        To further explain what I mean by Receiving altruistically, I think of the Metaphor of the dinner laid out by ones friend, and enjoying the meal to its fullest extent in order to please the host. Enjoying the meal through our will to receive in order to please the host (bestow back) that gave it to us.

        • #56516

          And even more so, to receive by bestowing to others. Yes it will always be a form of reception, but this reception is not for my own personal benefit, but for the benefit of others. “One reaches love of the Creator through the love of others because we are one soul”

        • #56552

          Hi Douglas,

          Yes, it’s like the Guest & Host allegory from Chapter 3 of Attaining the Worlds Beyond. Just keep in mind that receiving in order to bestow is a very high spiritual degree. It’s not something we can start with in practice right away.

          As for the Creator receiving pleasure from us, although we sometimes say that we are trying to bestow to the Creator or to bring Him contentment, but in truth it’s just a game to help us to develop. It’s just like with kids. When we spoon feed them, they see the example from us and want to pick up a spoon and feed us back. Do we really need them to feed us? Of course not. But we still accept this from them, smile, show them how happy they made us by feeding us, etc. Since we know that through this game, they grow and develop. So ultimately the Creator is not lacking anything and does not change. And all of our attempts to bestow to Him are nothing more than a type of game for our own development.

          Albert @ KabU

        • #56712

          So it is all about closing the gap in our disparity of form. Becoming like the Creator is the thought of creation! Attaining his qualities is how we can give back. Be merciful as the Lord is Merciful

        • #56631

          Hi Albert,

          I’m curious about your answer here. When you say “Just keep in mind that receiving in order to bestow is a very high spiritual degree. It’s not something we can start with in practice right away.” Please could you explain what is meant by a “high spiritual degree”.  Also what would be the first steps towards feeling how that sort of bestowal would feel? Would the actual feeling of it be like bestowal in this world? i.e. how the imagined feeling of giving would be. I can understand that actual giving in this world can only be egoic, but maybe the imagined feeling of giving would not be egoic i.e. the feeling of the heart opening?

          Thank you

        • #56826

          Hi Marion,

          1) What I meant by high spiritual degree is that this is still WAY ahead of us. It’s like demanding a 3 year old to do the work of 23 year old. We’re simply not yet ready to do such work.

          2) As for feelings, we’re not built in such a way that we can compare feelings. Each person is unique and feels the world through his uniqueness. As such, it’s impossible to compare how one person feels spirituality with another.

          3) How can we reach the spiritual degree of receiving to bestow in practice? Ultimately everything we attain is due to the force of the light. The light makes all the corrections on us. Our work is only to extract more and more of this light.

          So from now, while we’re still in the fundamentals, all the way until we attain spirituality in practice, and even beyond that point, to the very last spiritual correction, everything depends on us drawing more and more of the light.  So the best thing you can do for your spiritual advancement is to set aside some time to regularly return to the Kabbalistic sources, lessons, videos, books, Q/A forums, etc. Such a habit of regularly returning to the source of the light will help you throughout your entire spiritual development.

          Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

          Albert @ KabU

        • #56833

          Thank you for your very clear answers.

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