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    • #59568
      Danielle Vergonet

      I find it a bit complicated, about the prayer. How does it feel to receive the light once or even twice? Or can you only experience that in a ten?

      • #59630

        If I tell you about my grandma’s fabulous Yemenite stew, no superlatives will describe it for you whatsoever. The Light too can’t be described, since “there is no Light without a Kli.” All that we feel in our world is called darkness. It’s what you feel if your Kli (vessel) is shattered. In a broken Kli, you feel this world, darkness. In a connected Kli, you feel Light, the spiritual world. You can only feel it in a ten, but with the right efforts you can start to feel changes already.

    • #59376

      Last week I saw many examples,  during the Olympic games,  of team spirit overpowering individual handicaps leading to  unexpected sensations and bewilderment by the individual sporters, when teaming in a group.

      Is such an   experience, a form of  AHP lifting to GE? The physical input becoming soul output by working in a group?

      • #59631

        We don’t have any example of bestowal in our world. If there was, that person would instantly feel the Upper World. And bestowal means without admixture of reception somewhere in the act. It doesn’t matter if Bezos tomorrow gives all his money to the poor and wanders the streets without shoes. If the Will to Receive in a person made a calculation somewhere deep within him (and it certainly did because that is our nature, our qualifier for getting to exist in this world) then he’s already not in Equivalence of Form with the Upper Force. Because the Upper Force is all bestowal without a shred of calculation for self-reception. And our nature, however it seems to our eyes is, as Baal HaSulam writes, “the will to receive without a shred of bestowal”. That’s why only the Reforming Light can change us. We study, and draw the Light. That is how we can “change ourselves.”

    • #59310

      Hi to all light warriors…
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>My question is about selfrespect and self confidance, if we want always think that we are lower than any other person, so what will happen for our self confifance?</p>
      And other question is how can we join a Kabbalistic group?


      And also couldnt understand prayer any more, would you explain it more clearer?

      Thanks alot

      • #59633

        We don’t need to be lower than other people, where did you learn that? 😉

        Only towards others who have come to the wisdom of Kabbalah, I know that they must be here because the Upper Force awakens them. Otherwise, why would you come here? Later you’ll see that certainly no one comes here on their own. So, while this Upper Force is awakening the Point in their Heart, so they have the greatness of the spiritual goal, I lower myself before this desire of theirs, since it’s a different Point than mine and from it I can get more greatness of the spiritual goal, of which I don’t have enough alone to reach spirituality. I may really want spirituality, but no, that’s not enough to burst into the Upper World. I need to absorb more importance of spirituality from others on the same spiritual path.

        Doing this is already prayer. Prayer isn’t words. Prayer is efforts that are in a direction that the Creator would be willing to help you with. He’s only willing to help you attain His goals for you, not your goals. We can learn about His sublime goal for us, from the wisdom of Kabbalah. If I go in that direction that the Kabbalists describe, and I see that it is not really in my nature to do so, and thus I’m not able to do it – well then I have a problem that I can’t fix on my own. Now, if I can’t fix it on my own, only then the Creator helps. Thus, my efforts are what count – efforts in a correct spiritual direction. The efforts are my prayer. Because if I make an effort and can’t, the prayer comes truly from my heart. This is the prayer that is answered.

        You’ll have a group in the Graduate Program, for now it’s enough to study independently, and just learn about the group.

        • #59783

          Dear Gianni

          Thank you so much for your explains. Completely got my answer,

          Creator’s love and light for you🙏

      • #59632

        We don’t need to be lower than other people, where did you learn that? 😉

        Only towards others who have come to the wisdom of Kabbalah, I know that they must be here because the Upper Force awakens them. Otherwise, why would you come here? Later you’ll see that certainly no one comes here on their own. So, while this Upper Force is awakening the Point in their Heart, so they have the greatness of the spiritual goal, I lower myself before this desire of theirs, since it’s a different Point than mine and from it I can get more greatness of the spiritual goal, of which I don’t have enough alone to reach spirituality. I may really want spirituality, but no, that’s not enough to burst into the Upper World. I need to absorb more importance of spirituality from others on the same spiritual path.

        Doing this is already prayer. Prayer isn’t words. Prayer is efforts that are in a direction that the Creator would be willing to help you with. He’s only willing to help you attain His goals for you, not your goals. We can learn about His sublime goal for us, from the wisdom of Kabbalah. If I go in that direction that the Kabbalists describe, and I see that it is not really in my nature to do so, and thus I’m not able to do it – well then I have a problem that I can’t fix on my own. Now, if I can’t fix it on my own, only then the Creator helps. Thus, my efforts are what count – efforts in a correct spiritual direction. The efforts are my prayer. Because if I make an effort and can’t, the prayer comes truly from my heart. This is the prayer that is answered.

        You’ll have a group in the Graduate Program, for now it’s enough to study independently, and just learn about the group.

    • #58673

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Even though I have viewed all of the videos under the Related category several times, the system is not registering it as complete.  I sent a message to Help early this morning, but I have not heard back from them.</p>
      I paid $119.00 to join KabU…

      • #59634

        Hi Loralee, I hope someone from tech got back to you. However, don’t worry, the important thing is that you went through it. It’s just for your advancement anyway, and will not affect your ability to progress through the courses.

      • #59293

        Hit the marked complete button at the top right. Its a check mark. Sometimes you need to go back a page and then forward for it to show as complete.


        Almost like our spiritual evolution of accents and descents lol

      • #58791

        “there is none else besides Him”

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