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    • #295823

      How can I find a Kabbalistic group near me?

      • #295833

        Depending where you live you may find one, however everything is online now. One has to work towards the others, to feel the Creator in the connection of the hearts, which is above space and time, whether the friends are in front of him in person or in front of him on the computer screen. When you reach the graduate program we can check if you live physically near any other friends.

    • #295081
      Maria Memoli

      Dear Teacher,

      can we say that the prayer is a Tzimtzum Bet?

      Regarding a prayer, Julian described it as elevation of our desires,  so, from Malchut through ABA VE IMA, up to Ein Sof. Tzimtzum Bet is also described as elevation of the desires to the sephira BINA.

      I’m not sure if the two concepts are the same or if there’s just a correlation between them.

      Julian also added that in order for a prayer to be effective, we have to refuse the Light for our own fulfillment which is the Tzimtzum Aleph.

      This brought me to think that the prayer basically put together the two restrictions Tzimtzum Aleph and Bet.

      Thank you for the clarification.

      • #295719

        Hi Maria,

        Ok, keep thinking. But right now it’s just trying to connect the dots. These are different worlds. First Restriction, Second Restriction. If we’re being realistic, you won’t be able to connect them. Even if it “makes sense”, it won’t be the right understanding. You have before you just one move – thoughts of self moving to thoughts of the group of Kabbalists, that they will reach their goal. That would be the closest thing to Restriction, which is the action of first restriction. And later there’s Second Restriction and so on.

    • #286342

      El número a recordar es 620, que corresponde al deseo colectivo 620 veces mayor en cualidad que el alma creada de Adam HaRishon, ¿como se manifiesta dicha ampliación de cualidad en el mundo creado y en nosotros?

      • #286515

        Translation: The number to remember is 620, which corresponds to the collective desire 620 times greater in quality than the created soul of Adam HaRishon. How is this expansion of quality manifested in the created world and in us?

        Surely it doesn’t yet. After all, we are the broken parts of Adam HaRishon and no Light comes to us, because it’s a broken vessel into which no Light can stay. And that’s why we can only chase pleasure but never hold on to the pleasure. This vessel was broken so that when it becomes connected over the distances between us all, it will be 620x greater. It’s not because there are physical distances – that’s how we imagine it. But these perceived distances are representations of the internal distance between us. We have to skip over that distance by our internal inclination to connection with all the others. 

    • #283608
      Innocent Mushiya

      Is a kabbalistic prayer only raised in a group and for group desire?

      How do you raise kabbalistic prayer for something you desire in this world to materialise,both tangible or intangible?



      • #294348

        The Creator hears prayers, and is waiting for us to ask, but only for a correct prayer. It has to be what He wants to give, and if I ask for what He is not interested in giving, it won’t happen. But even that which He wants to give, He will not give until we ask. He is interested only in what will connect people to the goal of life. Everything else will come down if it is supposed to, and if it is not already lined up to come, there is no way to make it come. But closer to the goal of life will be better in all ways, and distancing from the goal of life will certainly be worse. If I can come closer, and bring others closer if possible, and ask for help with this, the Creator is interested.

    • #283401

      Hi Gianni,

      How do we cope with the fear, which arises with the realisation that evil muss be revealed in order to create a desire/prayer for correction?

      I live in Europe. Fear is both inside and outside of me right now.

      Thank you!


    • #220816

      The image of water flowing downward is beautiful.  It penetrates my heart, and also awakens a sense of vulnerability and fear of both opening to others and a fear of the shame I’d fee if I wasn’t able to truly elevate a friend.  I assume that the group is a pretty intense experience and psychologically healing as a result of the spiritual advancement?

      • #220831

        The correct study of the wisdom of Kabbalah is the solution for absolutely every problem and question, in the end. We don’t advertise it this way because if one has any goal other than to change their nature from reception to bestowal, the reveal the Creator, it simply won’t work.

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