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  • #28813

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 142 total)
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    • #59148
      Ludumo Diniso

      Arriving at week 5 I still DO NOT feel like I can perceive the Creator. Sure I have intellectual understanding of Kabbalah. But I still don’t feel any different. For example…in Perceiving Reality I can understand “Theoretically” that all of creation is within me, but I still don’t feel it.

      It’s been more than 5 weeks and still nothing.

      What am I doing wrong?

      • #59488

        Hi Ludumo,

        Right now, we’re in the fundamentals, learning the basics of this wisdom. We’ll learn how to put all of this into practice in the more advanced lessons. But one thing that is constant regardless of where you are in your studies is that all of the changes that happen, take place only thanks to the force of the light. Our entire work boils down to extracting more and more of this light, especially during the Kabbalistic studies, and it does all the rest.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        So the best thing you can do towards attaining spirituality is to set aside some time to regularly return to the source of the light, meaning to the Kabbalistic sources, videos, lessons, etc. Such a habit will help you throughout your entire spiritual development.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #58156
      Duke Gard


      Does the creator know the unique circumstance of each creature? From my understanding, brought on from listening to these lessons, it seems like the relationship between the creator and the creature isn’t clear. Does the creature think of the creator as a superior construct? Is the creature suppose to worship the creator? Admire the creator? try to be like the creator? Is there the concept of praying to the creature? Or is this all a metaphor that I can’t get my mind around yet? I’m coming from a christian background so I might be trying to map these concepts to what I know. Very moving and interesting material. Thank you very much for considering my questions.

      • #58342

        Hi Duke,

        You are right, the relationship between the Creator and Creature is not always clear. This is something that gets clarified throughout our entire spiritual journey. Essentially all of Kabbalah is the process by which we correct ourselves and thereby reveal the Creator, getting to know Him more and more on every spiritual degree. All the way until the very end of correction in which we reach complete adhesion with Him.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Also keep in mind Kabbalah is a science with clear limits of what we can and cannot study. Kabbalah differentiate two parts to the Creator.

        The first is His essence (atzmuto in Hebrew). This is He Himself, His point of view, the Creator as an entity separate from the Created beings. We’re incapable of researching this part of the Creator simply because our research tools are not built in such a way that we can grasp such things. Perhaps after we finish the process of correction, we’ll discover additional research tools through which we’ll be able to research these things, but until then we limit ourselves and don’t talk about this part of the Creator because we cannot properly research it.

        The other part of the Creator is called Bo-Re (Hebrew for Come (Bo) and See (Re)). This is the part of the Creator that we can research and reveal. How do we research this? Through the desire. When we take a part of our desire to receive and correct it in the direction of bestowal, in that corrected desire, we reveal a certain phenomenon, we call this phenomenon the Creator. This is why there are many names for the Creator (in Hebrew), since every time we correct a different part of the desire, we reveal a different aspect of this thing called the Creator.

        So all of our understanding of this thing called the Creator (and any spiritual phenomena) is based on what we reveal within the corrected desire. But whatever exists outside of the corrected desire, whatever we don’t grasp, perceive or attain within the desire, whatever is beyond our tools of research, we don’t talk about. We need to keep these limits in mind in order to stay within the realm of science and not venture off into religion or philosophy.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #58348
          Duke Gard


          Thank you. That was a great answer. I’ll review the blog post you’ve indicated.

          Thanks again.


    • #58115
      Rune T. A.


      I keep wondering if the The Field of Influence, is somehow connected to the omnipotent electromagnetic field of this World.

      Any thoughts on that?

      And have any of you guys heard/looked into The Unified Field Theory that tells us that the basis for This World are infact Fields of energy?

    • #57786
      Muhammad Tanim


      I want to thank you all for helping me to know the basic of Kabbalah.  I want to show my gratitude to Rav. Michael Laitman, Instructor Anthony Kosinec, Instructor Albert and everyone   associated with this course. Thank you again.


    • #57448
      Muhammad Tanim

      Shalom! If we need to make a bond with God, should we not need any meditation or anything like that?

      • #57484

        Hi Muhammad,

        We reach adhesion with the Creator by becoming similar to Him, meaning by correcting our opposite egoistic nature towards the direction of love and bestowal. Things like meditation help to calm us down, but ultimately it doesn’t correct our egoistic nature. So it’s not a part of the authentic Kabbalistic method.

        How then do we correct our ego and become similar to the Creator? Only through the light. The light is a special force that can correct our nature. Our entire work boils down to extracting more and more of this light, especially during the Kabbalistic studies, and it does all the rest.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #57277

      The Tip and Quote for this week is: “By observing the table crafted by the carpenter we can learn his thought and desire preceding his building of it. Similarly, we can learn about the acting mind of the Creator in every action.”

      I understand this and can get deeper into the thought and desire behind the carpenter and Creator in crafting the table. But this is something that is positive in our reality so can relate to this. I’ve been trying to expand and challenge my thinking and consider other actions that aren’t in my reality but know they are here; like trying to see the thought and desire behind negative actions – such as someone torturing another person or animal.

      And this weeks tip is to: “Identify the acting mind in every situation and try to ascribe it to the good and benevolent force that drives the action”

      I can’t see any good or benevolent force behind this negative action. Other more milder negative actions perhaps I can see perspectives from differing angles. But not torture or the likes of these actions. Can you help me see where the good and benevolent force is behind violent actions such as this.

      • #57309

        Hi Jeff,

        The Kabbalists tell us that every single moment comes to us directly from the Creator, this is called “there is none else besides Him”. Furthermore, they also say that He is the “good that does good”. Meaning that every moment He is sending us nothing but goodness. Why then don’t we see this in our world? Why don’t we feel everything that is happening as something good?

        This is because our world is governed by our egoistic nature. This egoistic nature is opposite to the Creator’s nature. Because of that, it inverts the Creator’s goodness into something bad. It’s just like multiplying numbers, a positive times a negative equals negative.

        So as long as we remain within this egoistic nature, we will continue to see more evil and suffering in the world. But if we correct our nature to be similar to the Creator’s nature, we will reveal the true reality in which only goodness exists and that our previous egoistic state was nothing more than a dream.

        We’ll learn about these concepts in more detail in the future lessons, but in the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #57324

          thank you

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 142 total)
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